Y’all, this Winter has been a rough one.
I’ve lived through harsher Winters in my life than this one, but this one has been difficult.
I’ve spent far too many days railing against nature. My vocabulary has dwindled down to the following sentences:
Fuck, it’s cold.
I’m tired of snow.
I am motherfucking sick, AGAIN.
Monday? It’s Monday already?
Fuck going to work.
I hate snow.
It occurs to me that this lethargy I’ve been living with isn’t going to get any better unless I do something to pull myself out of it.
We’re going to have more snow. Spring is still too far away to even taunt us. These things are true and I can’t change them. Instead, I will try to change my perspective.
So, as difficult as this may be, I’m going to find 20 reasons this Winter doesn’t suck.
1. I got to spend days with all 4 of my grandchildren at the same time. This alone is worth two and half feet of snow.
2. My baby boy got to take his first trip out of town without his parents.
3. I spent weeks working through one infection after the other. It’s given me a new appreciation for days when I feel good.
4. I made a lot of progress on a writing project. It is giving me a sense of accomplishment that I rarely feel.
5. We haven’t been invaded by robots or zombies.
6. I found two pairs of vintage shoes that make me smile when I look at them. It might be another month before I actually get to wear them, but I know that day is coming.
7. I spent my holidays with people I love. We have a relatively drama free family and for that I am grateful.
8. I started therapy with very little hope that it would be meaningful and have instead found the opposite to be true.
9. I stood up for myself without crying.
10. I have been able to look in the mirror without cringing. Maybe not EVERY time, but more often than not.
11. I discovered new music that touches me.
12. I got my own motherfucking theme song.
13. I made it 5 decades without catching on fire.
14. I’ve discovered new blogs that make me think and laugh and cry.
15. Bad weather means days and days of cuddling in bed watching TV with zero guilt about staying indoors.
16. I completed a sewing project and found that I can survive being a human pin cushion. Also, my husband and mother have counseled me on the importance of thimbles. They just don’t get it. Thimbles aren’t enough. I need a suit of chain mail to safely sew.
17. No mosquitoes.
18. I found out I can still put on a pair of ice skates and go around a rink a few times without breaking a hip. Sure, perhaps my favorite son in law and older son had to drag me, but still…no broken hips.
19. I look forward to every evening that I spend with Randy. Even those nights when the ice is pounding the windows.
20. I’m alive.
Whether the weather is nice or the streets are clear, the days I am living right now are the only ones I have. I’d rather be content than cranky.
On the other hand, FUCK…I wish Spring would hurry up and get here.
“It occurs to me that this lethargy I’ve been living with isn’t going to get any better unless I do something to pull myself out of it.” I agree…..I am so sick of winter and SO sick of complaining about it. I may have to create a list of my own. thank you!
Good for you!! Let me know what is on your list, then. I need to beef mine up.
I LOVE THESE. Yes, to all of them. I’m a summer person, so I hear ya. Also, it always nice to NOT catch on fire for that long, so that’s a plus. And the no mosquitos thing–YES. They all made me smile.
I started my day with a fun look back through some old photo albums that inspired a blog post, and my kids home for a Monday, and it’s not SNOWING, so I’m in my happy place today, even though spring is a long way off still.
And your comment forced me to smile. A little. I’m still working on the the ‘not cranky’ thing. 🙂
Also you found out that big black cocks win almost every time.
Congratulations to us both for being alive and not having caught on fire!
That made me truly laugh.
Roll on Spring
Well then, I am glad I wrote it. Anything to make you laugh, gorgeous!
#13: Sheldon can’t say that.
On the up side, the flames only destroyed his robe, not him.
That’s what he gets for reaching across a candle. And I don’t allow him near open flames anymore.
Yeah, Randy cant say it either. He caught his hair on fire last winter playing with a lighter. Dumbass.
Oh lord, Sheldon did that! But he was lighting his pipe. Or trying to. MEN!
Yeah, I caught fire a couple of times. It’s stupid. And ouchy. I don’t recommend it.
You sound as if you are feeling somewhat better, so yay for that.
What ever happened with the lyrics to your theme song? Do you get to have a full-blown Madisons version with vocals and everything? My friend Carson has his own theme song on Sound Cloud, but yours is way better, especially the little recurring percussion parts…
I do not have lyrics yet…my lyricist is dropping the ball.
LOL – I love your list. Down here (and esp where we are on the east coast) winter is so much more enjoyable than summer – it’s just too hot in summer – and even spring can be too warm ! We are probably able to do more in winter than summer because it’s too hot in summer – LOL
Have the best day and hang in there, not long to go until spring is here !
Thank you! It will get here, I know it will…
This is downright enlightened right here. But seriously, probably a good idea and one that I should do… I’m having a hard enough time just removing my arms from beneath the blankets so I can actually type out a response, though.
I like the bit about not being invaded by zombies or aliens. I’ve had two dreams about the zombie apocalypse in the last week but it was really more like an invasion… like they were staged in certain areas and slowly taking over, but there was still time to plan/panic/run. I have no idea why I am dreaming hollywood plots but at least they’re fairly entertaining.
I have a recurring dream where I can drive to Europe via Canada..and then I always wonder I waited so long to do it. 🙂 No zombies, though.
I hate to complain about the winter in Florida. But I am turning into an old grandpa. I can predict when it is chilly and going to rain by my lower back pain.
See? That comes in handy though…you know when to grab a sweater.
I love that you included zombies and robots. Definitely on the plus side. I need to rethink my thinking soon, but I’m probably going to spend at least the rest of this week wallowing in self pity.
Can I hold you to that? I can virtually kick your ass if you wallow any longer.
I’m still wallowing a LITTLE. Not as bad. Not nearly as bad.
OMG…I LOVE this! Much funnier and to the point than the thing I just wrote about winter.
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