Not the one where women were asked if they would rather be alone in a forest with a bear or an unknown man. The one where women overwhelmingly chose the bear. Not that made up bear.
I’m talking about the pretend bear breathing down your neck causing a “flight or fight” reaction.
For the record, my go to is “flight”. But that doesn’t mean I don’t sometimes access “fight”.
How can you possibly manage anxiety if there really are bears? A lot of them. Not to mention, the bears that aren’t really bears don’t just go away.
I live in a fascist country where cruelty is the point. I mourn for the loss of lives and livelihood. And I’m bracing for when the dismantling of our democracy sucks us into that bleak hole.
I want to be comforted by the fact that I’m not alone, but I’m not. I am horrified. I don’t want this for anyone. I don’t want the world to suffer.
The bear doesn’t get any more real.
My job is a complete shit show that I don’t even have the energy to complain about. There is a runaway train headed right for us. It used to be about 100 miles away, but I’d say it’s half that now. Yet, I am still the only one who sees it. I’ve tried, y’all. I have tried. But they are choosing not to listen. I’m not quite as worried about this bleak hole of suckage, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a decent chance I will get sucked into it.
I’m old now. I don’t want any of this now. I am tired and I want my brain to leave me alone for a goddamn minute. For fuck’s sake. One fucking minute. I have so much circling around in there that trying focus on one thing is like sticking your hand in a fan.
I force myself to participate in creativeness. I am taking improv classes. I have been performing at stand-up shows and open mics. Not a lot, but more than usual. I’d do more, but they’re always so fucking late. I want some blue plate special open mics. Show starts at 5:30 and everyone is home before 8:00.
I need to write more, but like I said, fan blades. I need to break out of this. This is my life. I am way past the middle part. Well, maybe not way past, but definitely past.
I really don’t have time to waste. I need to stick my hand in the fan.
Working on how.