Brood X or Florida Congressperson?

  1. I waited 17 years for this opportunity.
  2. I have a face that says “Swat me. For the love of God, swat my face”.
  3. I make a lot of noise because I want sex. All the noise I make is for sex.
  4. I can’t help it if my eyes are weird, off-putting, and look like a special effect.
  5. Click click click click click.
  6. Never trust the wingman.
  7. Screech screech screech.
  8. I’m emerging from my nymph stage and will soon be a winged adult.
  9. Mostly, I gross people out.
  10. It doesn’t matter if you love me or hate me. I’m always in your face. Always.
  11. I might look weak and odd, but I can buzz louder than a chainsaw.
  12. I am inevitable.
  13. Just stand still and let me crawl all over you.
  14. We all have a clock, don’t we? Tick tock. No worries, I’ll be out of your hair in a few weeks.
  15. Venmo? What’s Venmo?

Brood X: 5, 7

Florida Congressperson: 15

Both: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


13 Thoughts.

  1. Brilliant. There’s a dude up the hill from here with multiple Devin Nunes stickers on his jacked up pickup truck. Like, three of them. What the actual fuck, over? We don’t have cicadas here, but the ladybugs are swarming just now, and I know they are beneficial and all, but they do kinda creep me out when they land on me while I’m trying to walk downhill…

  2. No, thank you very much, but we in Florida have enough creepy-crawlies to suit anyone. Ick. Anyway to keep your lawn and trees safe? Bug Spray? Seriously – ick.

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