Golden Girls: Deep Dark Truthful Mirror

I’m hoping Elvis Costello won’t mind me stealing his title.

***Disclaimer*** It is possible I’ve gone completely bonkers by now. I’m just saying. My filter is fractured. I cry at work. I spend a weird amount of time watching the lizards in my front yard. I’m finding it difficult to feed my brain with a constant stream of trump, trump, stephen miller, trump, oh my god, no. no no. How many black men have been found hanging from trees? How many?

Life is hard for most of us right now. I know it’s not just me. I’m not dealing with it great, but I’m trying.

I’ve spent some time contemplating who I am and what I’ve learned and how I’ve grown in life.

I’ve thought about secrets and regrets.

I thought perhaps it would be cathartic to search deep and fess up to a dark secret.

You know the type of secret.

The one that makes you feel all swimmy and backs up in the back of your throat like phlegm. The type you know will make people think less of you. That type of secret.

The type of secret that keeps you from being the person you should have always been.

Here’s mine.

I’ve never seen a single episode of Golden Girls. 

Of course, I was aware of Rose, Blanche, Sophia and Dorothy. Same as Seinfeld. Never watched it, but I still know who Jerry, Elaine, George and Cosmos are. And Betty White? She’s amazing no matter what. My baby sister has seen every episode. When she was a kid, she loved Golden Girls.

Also, I lied about my secret. I mean, it was true until two days ago.

Randy and I dialed up Golden Girls the past few days. We’ve been laughing our asses off.

I’m not saying you should watch Golden Girls.

I’m just saying if you find yourself stuck in a terror loop or unable to sleep, think about what you’ve missed out on life and maybe give it a chance. Because holy shit, this is hilarious. Sophia fucking kills me.

For me, I am finding that if I don’t step away from the loop of horrible news, at least for a bit, I start to shut down.

Shutting down right now isn’t an option. We need all the strength we can get because the news isn’t going to get better for a while.

There is good news every day, though.

Find the good stories. Find something to laugh at. Disconnect when you need a break. Self care is more important now than ever.

So, of course my deep dark secret is ridiculous.

I mean, really, did you think I would tell you a real one? Hmmm?


Photo courtesy of Pixabay.


If It Keeps On Raining

Sorry I missed another week last week.

It didn’t feel right to post anything about anything as we mourned George Floyd. It didn’t feel right to post anything about anything as the world poured out into the streets in protest of another black man being killed by people we pay to protect and serve.

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