I’m A Twig

This summer will be the 8th summer we’ve spent in this house. This is the longest I have ever lived in one place and the first house I’ve owned.

I like here enough, but I’ve never been overly attached to the place. Honestly, I don’t get overly attached to most things, which has it’s advantages. I process change with ease. Well, I used to. Change grows harder as I get older, but I still can change without too much pain.

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Please Tell Me Why

I don’t talk about politics or religion or sex on my blog. Well, other than to occasionally make fun of or rant about Donald Trump, but come on, it’s Donald Trump. I don’t talk about it because I am not prepared for the onslaught of opinions and vitriol.  I don’t talk about religion because I do not care about religion. I don’t talk about sex because I’m a prude.

I’m not viewing the Syrian refugee crisis from a political or religious angle. I just see waves and waves of people in need.

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