This week has been trying.
I’d make a comment about understatements and that it’s been stressful, but I’m like a broken record by now.
Anyway, I haven’t written shit in days, but I miss you guys when I’m away, so here are a bunch of memes.
Hopefully life will be a normal level of chaos soon. XO
Some of these memes are mine. The goat ones are Randy. I love my weird ass husband.
testing comments.
I haven’t posted for a week and a half and I feel like I’m going through detox or something. I haven’t posted memes yet. Maybe that’s the way to go, because I do like goats.
I used to make them a lot because they’re fun. I need to make more mmemes
I came here to share a kind thought, I stayed for Conspiracy Goat. When I leave I will leave kind thoughts, but before I go I will touch the goat.
That’s the kind of guy I am. When there’s a sign that says “Don’t touch the goat” I touch the goat. When there’s a sign that says, “If you have a kind thought for a fellow human, don’t keep that shit to yourself” I don’t keep that shit to myself.
It’s complicated. There’s too much about life that’s complicated in bad ways but we can compensate with shit that’s complicated in good ways.
This made me laugh. And yes, life is often very complicated.
Aww…. you’re ALWAYS thinking of us… your loyal rockin’ fan base <3
Thank you <3
You guys mean the world to me, you really do
Goat? What goat? I don’t see any goat. What’s that? This thing? Is that a goat? Well if it is a goat, I may have touched it, but only a little…
May you be feeling much better very soon.
HAHAHAHA. Thank you. The weekend is upon us, so that will help
That goat though! And I hope things start to get better VERY soon for you:-)
I hope so, too. Work is better (ish) still feeling a lot of stress. The house stuff is killing me.
Here’s hoping next week is an improvement. Speaking of improvements, conspiracy goat may be on to something. Is he running for election?
I would vote for him. Totally.
I had to share your kind thoughts meme I fb. That’s my kind of sweet talk, all mushy and I will wait patiently, your stories help.
Thank you so much! I am glad you are here
Don’t keep that shit to yourself. LOVE it.
I liked them all, but the Cat one made me laugh.
That’s my Gertie girl. She is a sweetie pie.
LOL I love conspiracy goat! Sending you positive vibes. Miss your post. Hope your house stuff gets resolved soon.
Thank you!!
I very much love the last one.
Also, I’M CAUGHT UP! From about a month’s blogging (and blog-reading) hiatus! Woo Hoo! Now I just have to remember to come back to see what you’ve replied, as you are So Very Good at replying to comments.
At this point in YOUR life, I am all about sending the positive vibes. The inspection will go through; Trevor will complete the sale; you and Randy will find your “next” home in the city; all of your beautiful selves will get moved in. All of the stresses of the last year will be but a memory, soon enough.
I can’t wait. The inspection wasn’t horrible except one thing. We have goddamn termites.
Years ago when termites turned up in our cute little starter house, I went to the public library to read up on the little buggers. The only thing I found was a 1948 Cornell University publication titled “The Termite, Our Enemy.” Yup, that pretty much summed it up.
Well, I do agree. They are my enemy.