2013 wasn’t horrible.
It’s been a long time since I’ve looked back on a year and thought ‘Well, that didn’t suck”.
I’m hoping the same for 2014.
I hope your year is filled with puppies and unicorns and negative calorie cookies.
I hope that your good days outnumber the bad ones.
I hope that you don’t lose anyone you love…or if you do, I hope you find peace.
I hope if you lack courage that you find it. I hope that you accept yourself. I hope that you learn new things and you find beauty in your days.
Now go away. All this nice shit is making me a little sick.
Your title sums up my thoughts exactly.
I think if we get that much, then we win.
Happy New Year to you, too. May it be all the good things that 2013 was for you.
I’m going to tempt fate and hope that it’s even a little better than 2103.
Ha ha ha! Don’t you go getting all inspirational on me!
I’m glad it’s over, 2013 was my worst year ever so I’m hoping 2014 is a vast improvement for all the good people I know!
I hope that for you as well. I’ve had some extraordinarily shitty years. I’m grateful that last year wasn’t filled with anxiety..I do understand how that feels, though. Next year is going to be better.
And I promise…that was all the inspiration I could stomach.
2014 can’t be much worse.
and yes, I’m a blast at parties
Hahah. Well..I certainly hope that 2014 is better for you.
I started 2013 with a DVT. This year can only be better. Binging on Cheetos while watching weird movies beats shots in the stomach any day. : )
Just about everything is better than shots in the stomach.
This is all too pleasant. I do hope 2014 treats you well, though.
Okay, it was mildly nauseating. But I felt the need to get it out there.
I’m with you– I almost always reach the end of a year and am in a complete state of FML. But this one, despite its oddities and minor breakdowns, was at least an improvement.
I think 2014 will be excellent– and I’m going to steal the resolution you commented on my blog. ‘Cause it’s a good one.
It’s nice and weird to not have shit all fucked up. And steal away! My resolutions are your resolutions
You can be inspirational for a few sentences if you want. I won’t tell.
I actually am somewhat optimistic that my little world will have less bad stuff in it in 2014 than it did in 2013. I have working internet, a space heater, and a jar of little plastic monkeys that hook together in a chain… Things have to be looking up, right?
well, I wasn’t positive of that until you mentioned the monkeys..but yeah…things definitely seem to be looking up.
Wishing you a great 2014 (as I secretly judge you for being all sappy and such)
hahha…that’s okay. I hope you have a great year, too!