My hope for you is that you are warm and fed and loved.
I hope that you find peace every single day.
I am glad you are on this earth. I am glad I am sharing my time on earth with you.
Here’s to 2018 not being a bag of dicks like 2017.
Please enjoy these pictures of Alfie the kitty, Gertie bird and Dude wearing a Christmas hat.
I love you all.
Be sweet.
You know, or not. I’m not here to tell you what to do.
- Alfie
- Gertie
- Dude
Thank you! Happy Merriness to you too.
You got a car to sit still for a hat! I love the apprehensive look on his face.
Merry Whatever to you too!
They had just woken up and I took advantage of the situation. Haha. Merry Whatever to you, too!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours, decorated pets and Dude included. Thanks for sharing with us and bringing your precious, funny honesty to your posts. There will be laughter in 2018!
Thank you! Merry Christmas to you, too!
C’mon, you photo-shopped the hat on the cats, right?
Anyway, have a Merry/Happy/Healthy….whatever.
And, THANK-YOU for sharing your life with us thru the interwebs this year. You make it a little less… know!!!
Nope!! Actual hat on actual cat heads! Thank you so much! I choose to believe the coming year will be better.
Merry Happiness to you and your family! Great pictures, and I’m glad to see that the cats haven’t eaten Dude (yet). Cool tree! Hopefully, 2018 will have less drama in it that this year (pleasepleaseplease).
OMG I know. Pleas let 2018 be better. XOOXOXO Merry Christmas!
Right back at you-especially the peace part-so much of what we need now. Cannot believe you got the cats to leave the hats on long enough to get the shot—think that makes you a Cat Whisperer! Gotta believe we can make it through 2018, with the help of your humor and strength, and love of family, friends, and critters… Merry Christmas!
I caught them right after a nap, so it wasn’t too hard. Thank you so much for your kind words!
Merry Christmas to anyone who celebrates.
Happy Fucking Monday for anyone who doesn’t (or, like me, just has no damn “spirit” and is therefore just trying not to be overwhelmed by all the spirit being expressed online).
I brought home catnip toys the other night, but left them in the pockets of my bag, on top of the chest freezer. Half an hour after we’d gone to bed, the bag thunked to the floor. They NEEDED the nip! My cats are the only thing that bring me any joy, lately. Well, anybody’s cats. And dogs. And other furbabies. I spend too much time online. I gotta get outta here! … we’re gonna go hang out with my boss and her furbabies today, so I guess it’ll be better than just a Fucking Monday.
#MyChristmasWishIn3Words: Impeach, Indict, Imprison
You have a good time with the furbabies. I know we’re having fun with Alfie and Gertie today.
Merry Happiness to you also. I don’t really know anyone who is putting on a full-blown Christmas celebration this year, well, except Sara, but she’s in Alabama so I won’t actually see her. I got a “merry Christmas” text from her this morning.
Zsuzs, on the other hand, doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so I remembered to send her a “happy Solstice” text on the 21st, that she seemed to like.
And “Mattress Mack” hosted a toy giveaway for 20,000 kids this morning in Houston, so that was cheerful.
And I think the Bloggess is doing her James Garfield thing again this year, but I can’t go check until tomorrow when the AT&T bill gets paid…
And the cat just got some more tuna water and is sleeping on the back of the couch, which is nice.
And just for giggles, here’s another video from that youth choir in Canada singing a Steve Martin song about atheists. It caused me to look up Eric Whitacre, who apparently is a composer known for his choir music in which ha has the choir do amusing things while performing, such as what they do in the video.
HAHAHAH That is amazing! Thank you!!
Merry Merry to you and your crew! Dude looks happy but the kitties not so much
Here’s to 2018 being it’s own new year and not an exact replica of 2017!
I second that!
Yeah, the kitties weren’t fans of the hat.
Happy merriness to you, Randy, and the kittys and Doug! I’m wishing the whole world 52 happy Mondays to come!
That is the best wish EVER. I would be thrilled with 52 happy mondays
Merry merry and happy happy to you and all those you love. Thanks for sharing this year with us, with all its ups and downs, all its happiness and joy, as well as its drama and pain and humiliation, juxtaposed unbelievably beside amazing moments of sheer inspiration and altruism. I too say please let 2018 be better. But no matter, we will endure. I have to believe this – we will endure.
Thank you, I needed to read this.
Right back at you, darling! I hope the holidays treat you well, you get plenty of rest and relaxation, and your new year is bright and happy.
Thank you so much, to you as well! xoxoxo
Happy day after Christmas! This might be the time when we need the spirit of joy and kindness most—when we’re thinking it’s all behind us.
I love how Alfie is saying “What is this shit?” and Gertie is saying “I totally rock this” and Dude, well, of course Dude is, “White Russians all around!”
I can’t believe Alfie sat still for it. He was not amused.
A belated Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays for those that are not Christians. I have been busy sorting family stuff and life stuff. Life gets too busy at times and you forget about living. I mean, REALLY living.
I saw some family, missed some family, and realized that family is a lot of friends, whether that be on line, or another city. Sometimes I wonder if some of my family isn’t from another world.
That life is a box of chocolates quote comes to mind, and my partner that said, ‘they are better individually wrapped”. They are still all gone. The chocolates…not the family!
Live your life to the fullest and Michelle, thanks for both your rants and your praise and happiness when it is there. Even the sadness makes all of us feel less alone.
Many hugs from the freezing fucking North.
Happy holidays and hugs from the freezing fucking Midwest! (It was 3 degrees this morning. 3.)
So looking forward to another year if RSIH!
Thank you!!! I’m hoping for a better year next year. But I will be here either way.