Not even kidding. I now have my own motherfucking theme song.
My last blog post featured some incredible musicians that I admire a great deal.
Anyway, my beautiful and talented friend, Lizzie Harrah, one of the women I wrote about, was kind enough to write me a theme song.
I can’t think of many things that have happened in my life that is more cool than getting a theme song written for me. Seriously…how many people get their own theme song? What percentage of humans get their own THEME SONG?
Honestly, I have no idea…but I bet it’s not many.
Now? Well….now I need lyrics.
You guys want to help me out with that? Just a few words or a phrase. Listen to the music, also known as Michelle’s Theme..also known as my OWN MOTHERFUCKING THEME SONG.
I’m going to ask Randy to write the lyrics, I wrote about singers and songwriters the other day and neglected to mention my husband who writes lyrics for Nature Of Ghosts. In my defense, I was writing about women artists.
Anyway, I’m going to get his help with the lyrics, but I’d really like to have some input from you guys.
So leave a comment…just a few words or a couplet or a phrase..whatever comes to mind.
I have the following words and/or phrases covered:
Fuck You.
Fuck This.
What The Fuck?
Are You Fucking Kidding Me?
Oh, FUCK That.
Do I Have To Go To Work?
Fuck Going To Work.
I think I see a pattern here. Obviously, I need help. I am honestly stumped. I have no idea what I would say in my own theme song. The only thing that is coming to mind, is the theme song from The Greatest American Hero. That doesn’t really work though and also it’s already been done.
“Woke up for work again today
Took a shot of bourbon to clear another headache.”
This is great Michelle!!! And I’m insanely jealous!
THank you! It’s awesome!!
It’s not my fault your email doesn’t work.
As I know you work in the thankless department of IT, forever fixing things for idiots, being blamed for things beyond your control.
Hahhaha Perfect!
Melted my rubber shoes in the River Styx
Crossing to the other side
Yelled “Fuck you!” at the ferryman
And now I need a ride.
A theme song is a wonderful thing to have. I became a grandmother at a very young age and couldn’t stand the thought of being Granny, or Meemaw, or something that made me sound ancient. I decided to be Lola, because it means Grandmother in some other language (I forget which one) AND I could have a theme song — “Whatever Lola Wants” from Damn Yankees. Works for me! 🙂
HA!! OMG…I LOVE this!!! Thank you!
You are most welcome! 😛
Awesome! I love the music and I’m so jealous. The FakeGourmet – yes!
Sorry I can’t be of help in the lyrics department; I’m on my first cup of coffee and barely functioning. But this was just too cool not to comment on.
Thank you, Steph…it really is cool. Enough to make me in a good mood on a Monday and that is saying something.
When it is finished, you should make a music video and post it so we can all see it.
That is super cool. And you left out “this is my own motherfucking theme song” as part of the lyrics. In fact, it could be the whole thing in my opinion – just over and over – and you could just whisper your other choice phrases throughout.
Middle Sister….YOU are a motherfucking genius.
Following the trend of your own lyrical suggestions, I suggest “flip that table; screw you all.”
Is it okay that I took that from a Frozen parody called ‘Fuck it all?’ P.S. You should see this video on youtube…..
I am not familiar with that..but I will be. I haven’t seen Frozen yet.
Writhing in pain at your corporate speak
In a soul sucking cubicle 5 days a week
Pen clicking suits with saccharin smiles
Take the ukulele and teach it to fly
HAHAHAH….oh man…I love this..especially the ukulele line. Priceless.
It’s official–you know you rock, if you have your own SONG.
I got nothing (lyrically challenged), but I love “Thank You” by Alanis Morisette today.
Right? I’m still all smug about it. 🙂
I’m not much good with lyrics, Michelle, but when you’ve got it done, choose your favourite line and “bam!” you’ve also got a fucking T-shirt! I’m now going to wander around randomly telling people I know someone with their own theme song…I will be cool by association. You rock! REDdog
You’re right! I need a T-shirt to go along with my theme song!
LOL – it’s very cool to ‘know’ someone who has their own theme song – I can say I ‘know’ a celebrity !!!
I turn into a yeti if I leave it long enough (LOL)
Have the best day !
I am a my house
Just PLEASE include the words douche twizzle. No one users that term work the finesse that you do.
Ha! I didn’t think of that..I will tell hubs..He’s the lyricist.
I would go with something about raising awkwardness to the level of a super power and your ambivalence about grandsnakes… It doesn’t HAVE to be all about work, you know.
Oh yes, I agree. And I think my friend Lizzie envisioned it being about my own there’s that.
This is really cool! Hope you share the final product!
oh, I will
The theme song I adopted for myself i the theme from The Greatest American Hero. I will walk down the isle to that song and it is my ringtone.
And for your theme song, I hope you are able to play it at a moments notice at moments of triumph and those moments where you look directly into the camera so the audience knows you are sassy.
Ha! That is awesome. That makes me even happier that I referenced that theme song in my post. 🙂
When you get it all done you’ll need to have people following you around and playing it so that the music accompanies you everywhere you go!
Yes! would be self indulgent..but very cool