Sometimes, You Just Want a Milk Bone

Big news. We got new counter tops.

Okay, not huge news. In the big scheme of things, it’s barely news at all.

For Randy and I, it’s big news.

No more ugly ass green and yellow and white tile. No more grout harboring mutant strains of e-coli.

You guys, I can’t tell you what a difference this makes. I am not grossed out when I am preparing food. I can set a glass on the counter and it doesn’t wobble.

We still have a month before the tile gets re-glazed and I still have to sand and paint the cabinets. I’ll get to that just as soon as I get finished painting all the walls countertopand trim and doors. I’m hoping to be done before the next presidential election.

The counters are manufactured quartz, which is awesome. They’re not porous and don’t require special treatment, which is best, since I’ve never successfully kept a houseplant. I don’t want to be responsible for destroying actual stone through neglect.

When we first moved in, we hired someone to help us clean the house. Her husband cuts and installs counters for a living. He was able to buy a remnant from his place of employment and put our counter top in as a side job. Which was great because we got a deal.

Downside is, he isn’t a plumber, so we had to get a plumber to do the reconnect and he couldn’t make it until the day after we got our cabinets.

Because nothing ever goes smoothly, we had an issue right off the bat. The counter dude couldn’t get the hot water to turn off under the sink. It just didn’t work, so we had to shut off the main source of hot water.

For 24 hours.

We got the counters last Sunday. I had taken the previous Friday off work and spent three days painting. I didn’t shower once. It’s not like I could have spritzed on a little dry shampoo and gone into work. I smelled like a goat.

We went to my mother’s house so I could take a shower.

I was tired and starving when we got to my mom’s house. She ordered a pizza and I did allow Randy to have a few pieces without snarling at him. I couldn’t eat fast enough. Painting is hard work, yo.

After eating way too much of a large pizza, I went upstairs to use the shower in the bathroom mostly used by my baby sister.

I brought a bag with shampoo and pajamas, but then I got into the shower without getting my stuff out of the bag.

No way I was getting out of the shower for shampoo when my sister’s tub was lined with products.

I picked up a Burt’s Bees shampoo bottle and worked the shampoo into my hair with one hand and held the bottle with the other.

Yeah, this will do. Anti-itching formula? What the fuck is wrong with my sister’s head? And why is there a picture of a dog on this bottle…oh. Fuck. 

I actually did that “wash, rinse, repeat” thing. Just not with the same shampoo. I don’t know if it was necessary to wash dog shampoo out of my hair or not, but I wasn’t taking chances.

I got dressed in my jammies and went downstairs.

Me: About that shampoo.

Mom: Oh. I hope you didn’t use the dog’s shampoo.




Mom: Who’s a good girl?

Then, I laughed and felt better than I have in weeks.

Also, my hair was super manageable the next day. And the craving for milk bones has finally subsided.

Plus, new cabinets!



53 Thoughts.

  1. You’ve probably noticed that almost all dog food these days contains “human grade ingredients”. I think the only exception is Ol’ Roy, the Walmart brand of dog food, because Sam Walton was a cheap son of a bitch who wouldn’t even give his dog nice things.
    What I’m getting at is that the dog shampoo was probably just as good, if not better, than your regular shampoo.
    Of course there’s a distinct possibility given the current administration that they’ve just downgraded what qualifies as “human grade”, but as long as your coat is silky and you’re happy to chase squirrels it’s fine.

  2. My sister wears readers and in hotels or as a guest at someone’s home including mine she has washed her hair with body lotion, body wash, moisturizing lotion, or creme rinse. It happens. Woof!

  3. Was having a crummy morning until this! Thanks so much for the laugh! Needed and appreciated! Glad to see your life is starting to go in the right directions. Just saw a YouTube video of a dog licking a t.v. screen that had a huge pepperoni pizza picture on it. Between your pizza eating and the shampoo, I just flashed there. Wish I had a link to it to share…..

  4. While the old countertop was a one of a kind, the new looks great!
    A development rep needed a signature, so she showed up with custom dog treats that were “good enough to for people to eat!” so we did. And they were good.

  5. Michelle, that was fucking hilarious. Just for some perspective, we didn’t have hot water from May of 2013 until February of 2016. I used to wait until the afternoon to shave because the water would be warmer from the exposed pipes in the old foundry building warming in the sunshine. Thank you Chris for letting us use your shower all of those times.
    I’m glad things are starting to come together for you house-wise.
    I may have to do jury duty today, and my stomach still feels weird from a salad I ate last night, so I hope that a. I don’t get called and b. if I do get called I don’t have diarrhea while I’m at the courthouse or on the way…

  6. Whenever I’ve seen someone with amazingly long hair (like the truly epic stuff you can’t even believe is growing out of an actual human scalp) I ask them what they use in it. Complete strangers, right there in the 7-11. Because I’ve never heard of boundaries.

    Anyway, more than half the time the answer is Mane and Tail, which is a horse shampoo. I’ve used it… on actual horses. (It smells nice and makes a tanglesome tail more manageable.) So, in theory, it’s totally fine to use dog products on a human scalp, especially if they’re made by a company that also makes human products. (I didn’t know Burt’s Bees made dog shampoo, but mine use Paul Mitchell and it’s probably the same principle.)

  7. You are on the cutting edge of hair care products. Check out the many reviews online from women using Mane and Tail horse shampoo and then start your own style trend.

  8. Pictures! I need pictures of your glossy coat woman! And be sure and check out the belly rubs if they are available. They make the world a much shinier place!

  9. Love the quartz! A friend got something beautiful but porous. She celebrated with a glass, or two, of red wine which she left on the beautiful counter. The ring was still there last time I dropped in.
    PS: At least you won’t have fleas.

  10. Hilarious! My boyfriend can relate. He has moisturized his face with liquid hand soap, washed his hair with after-shower body moisturizer and almost brushed his teeth with my clay face mask (in a tube similar to the tubes that toothpaste comes in). Thanks for the chuckle.

  11. People shouldn’t leave dog treats on the kitchen counter in a bowl. That’s all I’m saying. My dog’s hair is way more silky and lustrous than mine, so I’d say, Switch! The new counters look great. There’s nothing more off-putting than seeing mushrooms growing out of the grout. And you’re going to do the cabinets yourself! Wow. That is one hideous chore, but good for you.

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