Old Ladies Of The Internet

Ah..the hubris of youth. It sometimes makes a non-violent person want to punch someone in the face, doesn’t it?

I read a Facebook thread where a blogging friend was defending her right to complain when someone stole her work, a meme.

PSA: Don’t steal other people’s words. Not ever. Don’t take a meme and remove a watermark and put your watermark on it. Don’t pass other people’s tweets off as your own. There is no excuse for it. There is no defense for it. Just don’t steal other people’s intellectual property. 

Anyway, a young woman vehemently defended the side of the person who did the stealing and referred to the bloggers who disagreed with her as the “old ladies of the internet”.

HAHAHAHAFUCKINGHAHAHA. Are you fucking kidding me?

I support everyone who wants to express themselves artistically. I don’t even have to like the art to support a person who wants to create. I don’t give a fuck how old the person is. 9 or 90, makes no difference to me. I think we all feel better when we are creating.

I thought about this and I thought about it. I was annoyed because it just tells me how far women are from supporting each other. For fuck’s sake, if we’d stop tearing each other down and propped each other up, can you imagine what we could get done? It annoys me old ladies of the internetthat this young woman attempted to dismiss anyone older than she is as “the old ladies of the internet”. What she was saying is that our voices are not relevant. We don’t count.

Little girl, I have this to say to you:

You don’t get to dismiss me. Fuck you for trying. Fuck you for attempting to minimize me and other women.

I’m not going to build a camp here. I want to. You have no idea how badly I want to. I want to take you to task for not recognizing that I have experience. I want to laugh at you because only one of us has been twenty years old and fifty years old. I’ve been your age. You have never been mine and therefore you don’t know what you’re talking about.

But I’d be wrong to build that camp. I would be wrong to suggest that my voice is more powerful than yours or more relevant than yours just because I have lived more years. I have seen and heard art in the form of words and songs and paintings created by young people and it is glorious. They did not need my years to create something beautiful and relevant.

That does not, however, suggest that the world of art belongs to the young. It does not. Art doesn’t belong to a single group of people. This is true for the internet as well. The internet isn’t a playground for the young who grudgingly allow us older people to exist there.

I was you once. Before the internet, before cell phones. We had dance clubs. Dance clubs were the shit. I remember when we would see “old” people in the clubs dancing and we would scoff. What are they doing here? Don’t they know their time has passed?

What “they” were doing was having fun. In that scenario, I was the dick. Just like you are the dick in this scenario with your shitty “old ladies of the internet” remark.

I can look back at my behavior and see that I was wrong.

I sincerely hope that one day you will recall your shitty comment and realize how wrong you were. I hope that you gain the emotional maturity you need to change your behavior.

Because the thing about the internet is that it has made the world so much smaller. You never know when you might need the help of one of the “old ladies of the internet”. You might want to consider the wisdom of burning those bridges.

The issue, the real issue here, is theft.

I can’t tell you how many times I saw a meme on Reddit and just copied and pasted it to my Facebook wall. I didn’t put my name on it, as if I had made it up, but I didn’t find out who created it and then give them credit, either.

My mistake was not understanding that these memes actually belonged to someone and that not giving them credit was doing the creator a great disservice. I ceased this practice when someone explained that what I was doing was wrong. If I can’t give someone credit for their work, then I’m not going to post it. I certainly would never go on a rant defending my thievery and then insult people who point out the thievery.

This is not a new story, though. I had someone write a blog post that was “inspired” by me. If we define “inspired” as they only changed a few of the words and slapped their name on it.  I have blogging friends who have seen their work stolen time and time again. I have seen some eloquent and compelling articles written condemning intellectual theft.

The other issue, though, is the shouty young woman who was “explaining” that the internet is where people go to steal things and that if someone doesn’t want their work stolen, they should stay off the internet.


That isn’t how the internet is supposed to work. Stealing is stealing.

Don’t steal. And for fuck’s sake, if you do steal something, then don’t defend your reprehensible actions and then insult a very large group of women in the process. We have voices. We will use them.

Now, go be nice. And make up your own shit. If you aren’t clever enough to make up your own shit, then get a new hobby.

I was also kidding about the face punching thing. Pretty sure I’d just end up getting my ass kicked.


Photo courtesy of Cliff Johnson



57 Thoughts.

  1. As a fellow “old lady of the internet” I say amen! Although I am a bit disheartened to realize I qualify as an old lady 🙁 I guess in technology years I’m 1,700 years old.

    People who are not artists, not creators, don’t get the talent and time that goes into creating content. They think because the internet is “free” that everything on it exists for their taking. These people are lazy. And stupid. And really just assholes.


    • I accept ignorance. In retrospect, I should have known better. I am sorry for sharing anything without crediting the author, but I can’t change that now. I can only stop doing it. What I can’t understand is DEFENDING the behavior. And then getting shitty about it.

    • Hahah..I would rather she just learn something. That would be ideal. BUt I think sometimes it takes the benefit of living some years to learn these lessons. That could just be my inner old lady talking, though.

  2. When I first started blogging I did not understand all of the ins and outs and I am sure I did not always give credit where credit was due. Now I use my own images or use stock photos that are free because I don’t want to be “that” person. Defending the behavior is reprehensible and I can understand your anger at this person who referred to the “old ladies of the internet”. Geez. That is just mean.

    • Yes, me too. I didn’t realize it wasn’t cool to just share a funny meme or picture without giving credit. When I was enlightened, I stopped. I certainly didn’t defend my behavior.

  3. Brava, Michelle. That young whippersnapper deserved your dressing down. I missed the original brouhaha, but you’re right: theft is theft, and that little shit’s certainly old enough to grasp that. We “old ladies of the internet” need to stick together…and whether you build it or not, I’m in your camp.

    • The reason I don’t want to build camps is then we are just shouting at each other instead of talking to each other. It’s so hard, though…so frustrating.

  4. Thieves and liars.
    Hand in hand.
    Can’t have one without the other.
    Like crying and snot.
    (Sometimes you can have snot OR tears, but, eventually they come together)
    I picture us ‘Old Ladies of the Internet’ on a panel, looking down our noses over our wire-rimmed half glasses; buns of hair secured above the napes of our necks, pencils sticking out of those balls of collected hair and just the tiniest of sneers visible at the lip line…
    Oh, wait. That’s my outfit at the library 🙂
    It’s like I’ve told my kids: Research papers are my favorite. Copy any and everything, add a few ‘and’s’ and ‘she said’s,’ cite the fuck out of it and get your ‘A.’
    Not a single word is mine and as long as I give the right credits, the work that the original writers/researchers performed is not in vain.
    It has now been read AND used!!
    Win Win.
    “Copy from one is plagiarism, copy from many is research.”
    (Not my line, but I like it 🙂 Can’t give credit, heard it on the radio.)
    Remember when you told your kids that when their younger sibling copied them they were only doing it because it was soooo good and cool?
    How were we supposed to teach them, “And, the credit for that amazing feat of skill goes to: (fill in smartest kid’s name here)!”?
    It’s just not quite the same, yet we have this ‘shell of anonymity’ on the web that makes it even easier to identify the ‘too cool’ and have it for our very own, leaving the owner and creator confused and angry… a good look for a writer, but not after posting and publication.
    Relevant topic and delightful presentation…. thought fodder to ponder.
    Maybe ‘copy and paste’ should have a ‘fill in drop down’ before the ‘paste’ is allowed?
    OK, so extra weird for you: I just pulled my new book for the week out of my purse, and the name of it is… wait for it…. “What is Not Yours is Not Yours” by Helen Oyeyemi

  5. Fellow Old Lady here. My shit gets stolen all the time. It’s sometimes stolen by people who do sort of/almost mention my blog (usually spelled wrong), but don’t link to it. I find that also a shitty thing to do. “I found this on 1/2 a thousand’s blog”.

    Create your own shit, or link back to mine. It’s a win/win that way.

    Love your line: “I’ve been your age. You have never been mine and therefore you don’t know what you’re talking about.”

    • Thank you, I liked that line as well. I’ve had tweets stolen, a whole blog post, partial blog posts..it’s frustrating. Especially when I see them getting the exposure I should have gotten. I’m working very hard to build something. I have NO IDEA WHAT I AM BUILDING…but I am trying. haha.

    • *fans face from all that ‘pretty girl’ talk*
      I try REALLY hard to spell the names right!
      The thing about this Blog world… as I’m finding out in the, “Whoops! Don’t push that button!” style, is that there IS a proper form and function and unless you’ve been to Blog U, or some other similar higher education gathering, the first 6 months are hit and miss for the Blog(s) you are trying to interact with.
      Yes, I am getting better at the ‘link back’ references and the ‘Tweet’ and ‘Like’ buttons to push the Blog onto the social media highway, but, for Fuck’s sake, if it wasn’t for my Blog Crush and my new Blog Wife 🙂 (I got it Wifey, 😉 first reprimand and I couldn’t pull my feet off of your toes quick enough 🙂 ) I STILL wouldn’t have a clue that there is ‘Blog Etiquette.’
      Thanks, halfa1000miles for wiping the egg off my face so nobody else could point and laugh 🙂
      And poor Rage-M. If it wasn’t for Twitter’s messaging, I would have disappeared a LONG time ago.
      Thanks Michelle, for ALL the kudos, pointers, tips and ‘Get back in there!’s’ 🙂
      *hugs Terri-Lee*
      How’s your coffee this morning, Tinkerbell?

  6. I read a post by a younger blogger a while back about how she was sued for using a photo she found online. Or almost sued – turns out people will post tons of pictures and wait for someone to steal one, then threaten to sue unless they are paid. I believe it was $1,000+, but would have been worse had she actually had to go to court. She had to consult a lawyer and he recommended she pay and be done. The “scammers” – because really, they’re opportunistic asses who recognize a devious little way of making money – know that people will pay instead of going to court. I’m not saying they’re wrong, but it’s a pretty asshole-y thing to do. Get a real job for Christ’s sake! Work all day in an office like me!

    The interesting thing about her post was that she wasn’t very apologetic about the initial stealing of the photo. She realized it was wrong, but her bigger gripe was being threatened with a lawsuit and having to pay “extortion”. A lot of commenters agreed with her, but a few took her to task. And a lot of them thanked her for writing the post because they had no clue!

  7. What qualifies as old? I don’t feel old. I still type fast. I say things like obvi and totes. But I also peed my pants a little last night while laughing with a girlfriend.

    Just like high school, I don’t know where I fit in anymore.

    I think I want to be in the “old ladies” club. Will you take me?

    • Oh fuck yes! You are in! I like getting older. I like me more now than I ever have. I like that I’m nearly always NOT a dick. I have my moments though.

  8. You nailed her! It is appalling to see the way people view older people–it bothers me more and more as I get older. I guess I’ll turn into a real crank eventually!! But, seriously… this young woman has a lot to learn–primarily that allies in the journey are important and that wisdom can take many forms.

    And you’re right–property theft is vitally important. I don’t get how people can not understand that.. Thank you for this and for the space for your commenters to share such fabulous responses!!

    • The comments section is the best part about this place. I love it so much! And yes, it is appalling. They just don’t understand…all the changes I’ve gone through are good as I age..but the core of me is the same as it was when I was there age. Same person. Same brain.

  9. Sigh. I remember thinking stupid shit like “they’re just jealous because they wish they could be young again.”

    No. No we really don’t. I was an asshole.

    Closing in on 50, here, and a fellow proud “old lady of the internet.” I earned every one of these lines. The crepe-y skin. The attitude.

  10. I have a friend on Facebook who would actually lift my status updates (especially when I’d be ranting on a topic I fervently believe in and get a lot of respect and positive comments for it), change a few words here and there and then post them to her own page as HER thoughts and feelings. Did she think I would never SEE this or perhaps she thought, since we’re “friends”, I’d just figure we saw “eye to eye” on the subject? It wasn’t a single incident either. I’d post something in my status update and a day or two later, she would post something uncannily similar. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but sometimes I think it’s simply the result of a lazy mind and/or lack of passion. Plus, it’s fucking aggravating! As you say, stealing is stealing and as a person who cannot abide age-ism of ANY kind, I feel it should be pointed out that not ALL younger people are nasty, hare-brained plagiarists. SOME people who are dishonest go on the internet to “steal”. There are also people who go into a brick and mortar store for the same reason. I, (as one of the PROUD AS HELL “Old Women Of The Internet” who has a highly functioning brain and something we oldsters like to call a “high level of integrity”), recognize theft for what it IS, no matter what age the person might be. I’m sure there are older thieves, too—they usually started out as younger thieves.

    • I used to work with a guy who would do that. But it was words. If I said something funny (and I often did…I am learning how to blow my own horn. Not in a weird way). Anyway, if I said something funny, he would repeat to someone else, WORD FOR WORD right in front of me. Had no problem at all just saying it as if it were his thoughts. This guy was a raging narcissist (probably a sociopath as well) and I was kind of afraid of him, so I never called him out on it. Other people did and would roll their eyes. Once, when we were out to lunch as a group, someone called him out on it and he sneered at me..”She doesn’t own the english language”.

      • Holy shit! Talk about seething misogynistic tendencies!!! Guys like that are just total assholes and it makes you curious as to what kind of family dynamic formed them. I know exactly what you mean about having to finally learn to be proud and own your talents and abilities, instead of always feeling compelled to hide your light “under a bushel” so others won’t feel intimidated. I don’t give a flying fuck anymore! I put it all out there and all I ask is that I get credit for what is rightfully mine! I give the same in return. Besides, that way, you end up surrounded by equally intelligent and funny people instead of dumbasses who prefer you lower yourself to their level. Life is too fucking short (or long, when it comes to dealing with assholes)!!! HAHA! (BTW, depending on the person, I can also be quite selfless and very generous with my ideas. I wouldn’t have minded you using the “Human Epi-Pen” comment without my permission, for instance, but was quite touched that you asked me first. It does tend to make one feel respected and appreciated. So, thank you for that! 🙂 )

        • I don’t use anything without checking first. For instance, the link that I provided in this post..I asked the author first because it’s the polite thing to do. I would never use someone else’s words without their blessing. Except for Abe Lincoln..I will quote freely from him. I especially like his quote about “getting jiggy with it”.

  11. I’m not a lady and whether I’m old depends on whom you ask, but I agree that when people create interesting things they deserve, at the very least, credit for their work.
    What I’m really hung up on here is the “old ladies”. If the criticism had come from a guy, a young guy, would she have taken it more seriously? Because I can guarantee there are young guys who will agree with us that plagiarism is wrong.
    I may even be one, depending on whom you ask.
    I know it’s not fair to assume another person’s motives but her knee-jerk dismissal of people who are (a) old and (b) women suggests a really terrible underlying attitude.
    I feel like I should add something funny here but my brain is cloudy so here’s a gratuitous use of the word fuck.

    • HAHAHAHA! I am a fan of the gratuitous use of the word “fuck”. And that bothered me too, so very much. How she dismissed us out of hand. It’s so short sighted and really fucking stupid to dismiss people like that..people who might be able to help her out. I might not be young anymore, but I’m not fucking old, either.

  12. Good grief I love this blog. Like, I saw the email come in that there was a new post and my heart leaped a little. I have the whole cubicle dweller, narcissist management etc thing going on so every post returns a tiny bit of sanity to my day. Please don’t ever go away. The funny part of this one for me is that I am an OWOTI (sounds starwars-ish) working for a Fortune 50 company….. in IT. I have more fun when young ones start in on me explaining something in that voice normally saved for toddlers. Way ahead of you young one, way ahead. Let me know when you catch up and we’ll chat. Cheers!
    P.S. I also wrote the “I’ve been your age…” quote down in my keep forever journal. Properly cited of course 🙂

  13. “Old ladies of the internet”???

    Some day she’ll be an old lady and some young whippersnapper will give her shit for something and she’ll remember the day she acted like an idiot.

    :::shakes cane:::

  14. Is she even old enough to remember Napster? Lack of attribution is just lazy. And disrespectful. If you like something enough to use it, link back to it, cite it, and thank the person you got it from (us real oldsters remember the use of “h/t” back in them olden days…)
    I was a cheerful music pirate back around 2004, but I just figured that I had already bought my collection twice, so after it was stolen and I was too poor to repurchase it in yet another format (busily going obsolete at the time) that my favorite artists would do better if I had their work around to play for other people who actually did have money to spend on CDs… Which all seems sort of quaint now that everything is on TouTube…

  15. Sounds like an assbutt. Someday she will want some of the candy or Tylenol I keep in my purse, or one of the diet cokes or bottled waters I keep in my trunk, and it will be just too bad, Ass but.

  16. People have had the balls to tell me I should be GRATEFUL that they’ve stolen and reposted my photographs without credit. “What are you complaining about? I’m giving your work more exposure!” they protest. My bad, I wasn’t aware that uploading a low-res screenshot of one of my photos to WeHeartIt and completely omitting any mention of my name, social media and store links was the business strategy that was going to send my print sales skyrocketing. TEACH ME MORE, O WISE ONES.

  17. Thank you Michelle, once again you are spot on! I went to Art School when I was 45 and in 4 years of college only on person attempted to make me feel irrelevant. She was a young hip tattoed, fake buddhist, uppity hipster professor. She would ask every student what they planned to do after except me and She gave me a B even tho I earned an A just because she could. I hope she learns Karma’s only a bitch if you are! Because that’s basically what we’re saying here. Be Supportive of others beacause someday each of us will need support! Including young hipster, vegan, quasi intellectual, plastic ass 30 somehings!

  18. You know I kind of like the moniker tho #OldLadyOfTheInternet. Sounds like a wise woman. I may steal it!

  19. Oh and one more thing to remember-the African Proverb “A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of sheep”

  20. from one “old lady-57” to the young’en…you will be our age someday. I hope you “get it” before then. oh, and never cool to steal.

  21. Yeah, pretty sure I’m old. Trifocals, you know? I’m sure I’ve done the same when sharing, but I have become more careful (I hope) about making sure the creator’s name and/or post shows up with it.
    And yes, it would be very nice if women (everyone) stopped cutting one another down and started to be kind and helpful and encouraging just because we’re all in this together.

  22. All I can say is, I rather enjoy the use of your “fucks” and “for fuck’s sakes.” I like your witty retort, and your “take no shit” attitude, which is well balanced by your compassion and earnest effort to support other women and refrain from “building a camp” against the ignorant party. If you are among the “old ladies of the internet,” I’d rather hang with you than the rest.

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