We have a dead car that we desperately need right away, however, we are not in possession of the cash it takes to get the car repaired. Temporary solution? Borrow my mother’s car!
Any time we go to visit, we get fed as well, so that’s a bonus.
It takes about 40 minutes to get to my mother’s house, which really IS over the river. We made the trek to Northern Kentucky and my 15 year old son began one of his favorite car games. He tries to stump me with quotes. He gives me the quote and I give him the movie or the character.
I do not recognize this place.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
I don’t actually have to answer this one, right? Puleeze..
I am the law.
Judge Dredd
Then Joey tells me he’s never actually seen Judge Dredd, he just knows the quote. I launched into a fairly detailed synopsis of the movie which ended with me doing my impression of Rob Schneider doing his Sylvester Stallone impression.
I kind of sounded like the adults in the Charlie Brown cartoons would sound if they actually formed words.
It’s also possible I just insulted the adults in the Charlie Brown cartoons.
After laughing at my lame impression, Joey changed the game up to him singing the Gilligan’s Island theme song to the tune of The Jetson’s theme song.
No way he was getting away with that shit. You can’t just fuck up the Jetson’s theme song like that. So, I punished him by singing the actual Gilligan’s Island theme song as loud as I could. He countered by singing the Pokemon theme song at the same time.
Randy looked like he was getting one of those weird headaches he gets, but to his credit, he didn’t do the grumpy old man thing he usually does and insist that we cease. He was probably just glad we both weren’t singing Don’t Stop Believing like we did the last time the three of us drove to my mother’s house.
They got me to stop singing by filling my brain with terrible songs that they KNOW get stuck in my head.’ Kung Fu Fighting’ for instant. And Joey played REALLY dirty and sang the ‘These Are The Daves I Know’ song from Kids In The Hall. He fucking KNOWS that song weasels it’s way in my head and sticks around for awhile. Like right now! It’s just circling around in there, waiting until I try to fall asleep tonight.
Anyway, the point of all this?
I totally forgot some of the words to the Gilligan’s Island theme song. How is that even possible? I probably saw every episode 800 times.
Now I’m singing These are the Dave’s I know I know … one of the many useless songs filed away in the back of my head lol
That is my LEAST favorite earworm. I have gotten seriously annoyed with the boy in the past for planting it in my head.
I think I’d get along really well with your kid….might drive your hubs a little crazy though
I’m so lucky to be his mom. You would get along great with my kid, he’s extremely likable and funny. And yes, you would probably drive hubs crazy..but it’s really a short drive.
I wanna go on a road trip with y’all!! Let’s all drive to Vegas!!!
don’t blame me if you get a headache