Normally, I don’t write about celebrities.
Well, other than when John Cusack tweeted me.
I usually don’t write about whatever current controversy or tragedy has our collective panties all bunged up, but I’m sick again. For the third goddamn time in 4 weeks. This makes me cranky and I’m finding that these particular events, Philip Seymour Hoffman’s death and the Coke commercial controversy are making me even crankier.
Philip Seymour Hoffman. What a fucking talent he was. I can’t think of a single movie I saw him in where I didn’t fall in love with his character. He also has one of the sweetest smiles I’ve seen outside of my own grandchildren.
I’m saddened that his demons won. I’m saddened that heroin took another life. There have been so many. Heroin addiction has touched my life in a personal and painful way that left me breathless for years.
That being said, I’m a little goddamn sick of people being so cruel about his ‘selfishness’ and talking shit about his addiction issues. I am of the opinion that until you have your own fucking addiction battle to wage, then you can either show some compassion or you can shut the fuck up. Russell Brand wrote about this issue in a way that I could only dream of. His eloquence is astounding and the poignancy of this article made me cry more than once.
My chest feels like it’s filled with fiberglass and my head is pounding and I can’t think of a good way to segue into the Coke commercial controversy, so…awkward and jarring it is!!
I’ve read some blistering commentary on Facebook regarding the Coke commercial where America The Beautiful is sung in some non-English languages.
First of all…a disturbingly large number of people seem to have forgotten that our national anthem is The Star Spangled Banner, because a lot of them were indignant that foreigners sang our ‘anthem’ in their native tongue. Also, this is insulting to our troops who served and/or died for our country.
Fucking really? Insulting?
It’s motherfucking insulting for people to sing a song in their native tongue that celebrates America?
Can’t we be just a little more gracious about this?
And let’s not forget this: IT’S A GODDAMN COMMERCIAL. Coke paid a lot of money to have that commercial aired to get people to talk about Coke.
Well, that certainly worked, didn’t it?
Enough ranting from me. I’m tired and I’m feeling really lousy about humans in general at the moment. Can you guys give me some ‘feel good’ stories? Please? You have no idea how desperately I need some.
No feel good stories to tell. Sorry. So much shit is going on in my life right now that I haven’t even been writing since all I’d be doing is bitching – and not in my usual awesome way of bitching either.
I thought the Coke commercial totally embraced what America is all about. I was amazed when I found out people were pissed about it. Those people can Suck it!
Well then..we need some feel good stories for you as well…here’s to hoping we both get out of the goddamn funk.
I loved that coke commercial because it showed off the diversity of our country. At the same time, I knew as soon as I saw it, especially when they showed images of women who had head scarves on (I assume they were meant to symbolize Americans of Middle Eastern decent), that people would blow their racist minds up. I thought it was beautiful. In general, I’m not a fan of soda products, but I loved that commercial.
Secondly, there were people in my own workplace who called Hoffman’s death stupid and idiotic. These people hold on fast to their opinions, so I just kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to start anything. It never ceases to surprise me how uncaring people can be. Addiction is a disease. Heroin alters the funking brain chemistry of a human being. It’s not something you just stop because you want to. His death is a tragedy because he passed away from a preventable disease that continues to take millions of lives. All anyone should feel for this man and his family is compassion.
*end rant*
Thanks for that!
If people could just stop being dicks…
I could give you a nice feel-good story, except it’s February so nothing good is alloed to happen until it’s over. It’s the law. You could read about how big of a jerk i am; that might make you feel a little better somehow.
Waaah..that sucks..cause my birthday is this month. And thanks for the link! I’m heading there now!
The is a yucky black funk drowning everyone right now. Kind of like the black tar/oil that for Tasha Yar in the first season of Next Gen. (Whoops, I think my feelings is showing! )
So puppies. And kittens (but only if you aren’t allergic). And Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.
That’s all I’ve got.
mmmm…ben and jerrys….
I should know better than to comment from my phone. Stupid autocorrect! I meant geekiness, not feelings. .. wrote about the Coke thing, and I really enjoyed it, if you wanna check that out. There ARE people in the world that don’t totally suck.
Loved the Russell Brand link- thanks for sharing.
Hope you feel better soon!
I will have to check that out. And I truly loved the Russell Brand article. It really moved me.
And I forgot to say I love that picture, and that is exactly how I feel today.
Yeah..I thought it was appropriate to the article
Very sad news about Philip Seymour Hoffman. Always sad when someone succumbs to substance abuse, no matter how much talent they had or how much money they made. But damn could that man act! 🙁
I stay away from Facebook and Twitter because I find that social media brings out the worst in people. Not everyone, obviously, but as you said it’s become so predictable that people will make hateful comments about anything and everything. Even something as benign as a sports story turns into a turf war or, more likely, an anti-Obama rant.
Of course, it doesn’t matter if I, myself do not participate in social media — the news will tell me all about the venom spewed by esteemed members of our society like @racistdouche23 and the resulting comments about the comments will breed more hateful comments. I LOVE THE INTERNET!
Is there good news out there? A little. I found this a few weeks ago and it cheered me up. Maybe it will cheer you up, too.
Thank you SO MUCH for that link. It really means a lot to me. I need a little faith restoration. 🙂
I have one. I started our business taxes a few weeks ago, thinking I’d be happy if we just didn’t OWE anything. Had to take a break from them, and when I got back to them I found miraculously large and much needed refund is due. Super happy story.
I love February, because its my daughter’s birthday and our wedding anniversary, all the same week as Valentine’s Day. Plus, it’s closer to spring then January. 🙂
And I’m making honey wheat bread today, and there’s a beautiful blue sky, even though its bitter cold out.
So there’s all that. Hope you feel better!!
So happy for you!! That is GREAT news.
I also want some of your bread. LIke RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Warm. With butter. Not margarine.
I know right!
Toast with butter pretty much fixes everything, for me.
Russell Brand’s article was fabulous and yes, people are dicks…and in many cases too stupid for words. I’ve avoided getting into the dreadful discussions which over all seem lacking in any compassion and filled with bile. The one I did join in on was some dillweed, who decided to declare that Scotland is not a country, on a post celebrating the Scots legalising gay marriage.
Here’s something that will make you laugh, as you know me and what I do. I just spent three hours recording BVs today, on the wrong version of a track.
I should know it was the wrong version as I spend a couple of days recording keyboard tracks for the right one, only a few weeks ago, so I should know the difference…
I’m getting flakier by the week
ooooh nooooo…
I adore your flakiness…You wear it well.
Here’s a feel good for you: John Cusack TWEETED to YOU. I’m so jealous. When he calls you to meet him for coffee, you are inviting me, damn it.
People who are upset with the Coke commercial are morons. That is all I have to say about that.
That was back in the Spring…but fucking hell..I was so excited..
Here is some good news: Sheldon and I got our food stamps back after 2 months or so of fighting with those people. This frees up more cash so we can maybe pay our gas bill.
I fucking hate winter. I especially hate THIS winter.
Hearing about PSH really tore me up. I wrote about it in a post I was writing on for 5 days while on an unexpected vacation from the Internets. And I mentioned that the death of ANY person from an OD is horrible.
In more good news, a friend of mine is going to help us fix our burst pipe so we don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on a plumber.
Hang in there, Spring IS coming!
It has been a shitty Winter..but I am so glad you’re getting some help with your pipes..those goddamn unexpected costs are so upsetting.
That Russell Brand article was amazing. Like many people, I think, I have my own biases about addiction based on my own experiences with family members. I am trying to work through that in order to be effective as a counselor after I graduate. Russell Brand’s article helped me to get a little more of an understanding of what it is like to be a slave to the compulsion to use, and how hard it is to resist those compulsions.
Wonderful! I love it when people can see their own bias and work through it. That is something I need to work on in regards to other issues. It’s inspiring when I read that other people are successful in doing just that. 🙂
Michelle, sorry you’re battling sickness again, bummer! Russell Brand is one of his generations most brilliant social commentators, humble and wise. It’s a bit wanky to post you a link to one of my own posts, so I won’t (actually, it’s because I’m a computer idiot that I can’t) but seeing as I don’t have a happy story for you right now I thought you might get a laugh out of a piece I wrote about my favourite road trip called Wedding Day Hues…hope this cheers you up a bit. Cheers REDdog
Can you just post the URL to your blog so I can find it? I would love to read your post..I love road trip posts. Really..I love all posts..I’m such a voyeur..
I have not seen a lot of Hoffman’s movies, so I can’t say I was a huge fan or anything. I don’t even think that I, as a former smoker, can say anything of value about addiction. Maybe one day I’ll try and exorcise some demons in the process.
As far as the Coke commercial goes I wrote a post on Tuesday regarding my thoughts. One thing I found, after reading opinions that it is disrespectful to sing a patriotic anthem in a foreign language, was that the US government commissioned a German translation of the Star-Spangled Banner for the German-American soldiers during the Civil War. So no, there is nothing disrespectful about singing any anthem, including the national anthem, in a foreign language.
I think people just love to be offended over something…and I am off to read your blog post now. Thanks!
I think the polar vortex thingy is making everyone feel down and grumpy…unless they are Santa or Frosty the Snowman. The flu that is not the flu that has been going around (and the draining fatigue and incessant coughing that goes along with it) does not help either.
I’ve been trying to think of good memories and write about them — it’s helping to pull me out of my funk.
I’m going to try harder too. I WILL post a positive or most hilarious story to dostract us all. We shall triumph despite this weather and month!
Also, i meant distract. “Dostract” is way too computery and mathematical for my brain.
I remember DOS well, but not with fondness. I think the word dostract has a real future!
I think it does too. I love made up words. You made it up, so what does it mean?
One Blog Post To Dostract us all!
I love it! Let me know when it’s posted please. 🙂
Ok, so i’m still working on DOSTRACT – i’m close, but i want it just right. In the meantime, here is a story that may distract you from all the wintery bleakness and the stupidity of our fellow Earthikins:
Maybe I should try that..the whole writing about good memories. I don’t know about today, though. I’m wallowing today. Maybe tomorrow as well. BUT THAT’S IT.
Sorry you’re not feeling well.
You already read my thoughts on heroin, but thank you for the Brand article; I have seen way too much of this sort of damage all around me already. He’s so right, some can and some can’t and that’s just the way it is.
Here is something I found that made me smile about the commercial:
Awesome! Thanks for for that.
And thanks for the well wishes. I’m just so goddamn depressed over being sick again. My voice is nearly gone today. This is new. I didn’t lose my voice the other two times I was sick.
Feel better!! Will try and find a link to cheer you up. (ummm.. John Cusak – hello nurse!)
I felt the need to share this book with you too… take it for what it’s worth. I got so so much out of it – but even if it isn’t “your thing” its a very entertaining read (and funny). I don’t think libraries have it. but who knows maybe they do now.. Take care – chin up!
Outrageous Openness by Tosha Silver (free shipping anywhere in US from –
THanks for the book suggestion…I am ALWAYS on the prowl for new reads. And I do need funny right now.
Found the link… enjoy
Okay….now that is adorable!
Here’s a couple things to understand.
No corporation spends tens of millions of dollars on an ad without knowing expected responses. Ads are refined, tested, re-written numerous time, and tested on numerous focus groups. Those focus groups are not drawn at random. They’re carefully selected based on numerous demographics, psychological profiles, etc. They know how certain types of people will respond and what they will do after seeing the ad. Nothing is left to guesswork.
So, when we tweet about the Coke ad, whether positive or negative, Coke wins. When we write about it here, Coke wins. You can be assured, there’s been a report written which monetarily values all the tweets, news mentions, and articles. All free publicity. After all, Coke only has a little more than 50% of the global market – and that’s for all their products. That’s a lot of people who don’t drink coke.
So…to get attention, you fan the flames of controversy. Piss people off. One week before the super bowl, nobody was talking about coke. Post superbowl, millions of people are.
In the words of Johnny Rotten, “ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”
I’m sure you’re right. I just find it disheartening that so many people are so hateful.
Bravo. I could not agree more with you on either score. Seriously. I am giving you a standing ovation here at the computer.
I don’t understand people who don’t get that addiction is not a moral failing, FFS. If someone can be clean for over 20 years and have a relapse, how it that not clear? I *loved* Russell Brand’s piece. Several years ago I saw him on Ellen talking about addiction. That was the first time I realized how intelligent and awesome he is.
But mostly what I feel is…if you don’t get it just shut up. Don’t say offensive and stupid things. Just say nothing.
I will add the whole controversy of an abuse survivor speaking up and and being called “bitchy” and “vindictive” because her abuser is a powerful Hollywood movie maker. Yeah…no. Just no. I cannot with this. I go from normal person to rage in 0.2 seconds flat.
The Coke commercial…you know. I’m actually sort of glad that happened. It outed to me several people I actually thought were “normal” as assholes. While it was depressing to realize, but it’s better that I know now who they are.
As for feel good stories….hmmm….I’m still thinking about all the people who helped stranded motorist in Atlanta last week by bringing them food and water and giving them a place to sleep. That helps, right? –Lisa
It does help. It really does. There are many MANY good people in the world. I am trying to be one of them. We’re just bombarded with the bad stuff and it makes me sad sometimes. When I’m sick, I have so little defense against it and it depresses me.
Thank you for your thoughtful comment..I enjoyed reading it.
How about person feel good stuff. My son was accepted into every college for which he applied and just got a partial scholarship from one. He also won gold in states in bowling for his school(where he bowls in a program where he is teamed with special needs students). All of my good is lived vicariously through him.
Okay..THIS made me smile! That is AWESOME. Congrats to your son!!!
Thanks. He was a little mad about the scholarship because he had almost made up his mind to go to the other school. Now his decision is complicated again.
Ahhh…such is life…
As far as problems go..that’s not a terrible one. 🙂
I wrote a long ass comment to show you these two links, but the internet ate it. So I’m trying to take a hint and make this one shorter.
That’s the first one. It’s a webcam in SoCal of a rose bush where a hummingbird named Phoebe has been building her golf ball sized nest and laying her tic-tac sized eggs in pairs for a few years. Several times per year. She’s like a little hummingbird factory.
To the right of the video feed is the chat box where a dedicated community of “Phoebe Phriends” chat about their day and dote on Phoebe’s every move.
The total views number below the feed is 18,906,744, but there are currently only 10 viewers because a) it’s night, and b) Phoebe went missing on January 8. That’s sad, but it sets up the awesome part:
Apparently wordpress won’t let me put 2 links in the same comment.
The second link can be found at the very top of the chat box on Phoebe’ page.
That’s the second link. When Phoebe went missing, she had two chicks in her nest, each smaller than the end of your little finger.
Monique, a wildlife rehabber and artist, took nest, birds and all and raised them by hand, and made a detailed photo and video record of it.
The dedication involved in doing this is staggering. At first, they both had to be fed about every 15 minutes with what amounts to a syringe.
The twins, as she calls them (Ana and Pavan) are now flying around and feeding from flowers. Pretty soon they are to be released back into the yard with the rose bush and the webcam.
I hope you’re feeling better, and I remember that you said Randy likes birds, so I thought you both might like this.
I love this…thanks so much.
And I love hummingbirds. We have a few feeders but for the past few years have only caught a fleeting glimpse of one a few times. Randy is determined to draw them back into the yard this year. I will definitely be sharing this story with him. 🙂
Feelgood? Depends on how you look at it but I FINALLY get to unfriend and snark-attack the crazy b*tch who’d been stringing my father along shaking her ass under his nose like a carrot on a stick for more than 15 years before he died…. In other feelgood news, my mother thinks I’m trying to kill her from 152.5 miles away. Happy Friday!
oh wow. Well, good on the unfriending thing!
Parental issues suck. I have to say though, yours makes me morbidly curious. I wish you a happy Friday as well!
Hmm… ok. Mom’s “minor” heart attack happened 7 years ago. Unlike her usual, distant, bitchy, clipped-conversationalist self she became immediately affectionate and needy despite telling me that it was “only a minor attack”. This culminated in the dreaded “I wasn’t such a bad mother, was I?” request to which I, much in her same clipped-conversationalist style, briefly replied, “I’m sure there are worse mothers in the world”.
After 6 weeks of familiar silence, the friendly emails and phone calls resumed asking me to visit her twice that year (previously unheard of). Then, she ups the mortality level to “It was pretty major and the docs say I shouldn’t be alive”, sharing her belief that it was my 7-yrs deceased father (from whom she’d been divorced and “estranged” aka publicly hated since ’79) who saved her life for better things. My theory was that she didn’t appreciate my nonchalant answer to the “Bad mom” question.
So, mom and I were talking about all the recent snowstorms and how “worried” she was for my safety driving to work and about whether or not she’d survive walking to work, much less digging her car out to drive the 1 mile through town, where she lives about 3 hours from me.
She tells me “Stay home!” I say of course I probably will. We joke about how employers always expect you to use your “reliable mode of transportation” then at the same time use that CYA piece about “using your own judgment” regarding road safety. She jokes about getting fired for calling in.
So then I say, “But you could technically walk the mile to work – ‘Get a snowsuit!’ they’d say!”
It gets quiet for like 20 minutes. She then replies, “I CAN’T walk to work. It would kill me.” When I said “It was a joke, Ma.” she replied “Ha ha ha”.
Sheesh. I’m so sorry…she sounds like a peach. Thanks for sharing, though..I’m a total voyeur and I love hearing about other people’s lives..sorry you’ve suffered though. I don’t like that part.
Awww… very sweet, but trust me – my skin is pretty thick and her antics just crack me up these days. My motto is – “If you can’t laugh WITH them; laugh AT them”. (Otherwise this sh*t will just drive you to insanity and violence) 😀
PS – In case I forgot to say so, you’re writing is super witty, smart and funny.
PPS – On the “unfriend”: She did all the work for me! Blocked me & deleted all her replies on my Facebook share (except the 1st one) so it now looks like I’m schizophrenic and arguing with myself. My Aunt chimed in so as to let me look like an angry lunatic by my lonesome. LOL
THank you for the nice comments about my writing. 🙂
I completely agree with you on both counts. Losing Philip Seymour Hoffman was upsetting for those who enjoyed his work and heartbreaking for his family and friends. Also, it’s perplexing that anyone could be offended by people expressing love for America. I think some people just enjoy being outraged. Hope you’re feeling better!
Thank you! Not feeling better quite yet. Hopefully, I’m at the end of it.
Addiction is no joke. I hate that people are so judgmental of addicts. I really feel that if we, as a society, were able to view them as human beings who need help, we would be WAY better off. Addicts need a strong support system, not jail time.
Feel good story: my cat suddenly loves to get in my lap. It’s weird because he didn’t like lap time for foooooreeeever. We moved a few months back and I think it freaked him out so much that he decided laps were not trustworthy. (Cat logic is… odd.) Maybe that’s a dumb “feel good story,” but it sure does make ME feel good! Ibsen kitty is fuzzy and soft, and it’s nice to cuddle with him occasionally.
I don’t think it’s a dumb story at all..I love the thought of a warm cozy kitty to cuddle with.
And yes, it would be nice if we could stop being so judgmental and be helpful instead. I think we still have a very long way to go..