Randy and I were watching Sons Of Anarchy and discussing the guy who walked out of his hotel room leaving behind the dead body of a woman he killed.
Me: I don’t think I’d be comfortable leaving a dead body in a hotel room. Even with the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign.
Randy: Not to mention, in about 5 hours, the body would start to stink.
I was skeptical. I’ve accidentally left hamburger out for 5 hours and it didn’t stink. It wasn’t wrapped up in skin or anything and that dead girl might have had on deodorant or perfume as well. My hamburger had neither.
I was going to disagree with him and offer my anecdotal evidence.
I decided I could put the potential bizarre argument off by just googling ‘how long does it take a dead human body to start stinking’?
But I didn’t.
I’m not the one who is usually conservative when it comes to doing things that MIGHT get us into trouble.
For instance, I got a speeding ticket last month and didn’t have my insurance card. I neglected to show proof of insurance because I paid my fine on line and thought…well…they got their fucking money. I’m sure they forgot all about the proof of insurance thing.
HAHAHAFUCKINGHA. Of course, they didn’t.
I got a notice yesterday that my driver’s license was about to be suspended for TWO FUCKING YEARS. Randy was worried. That mail sat on the table for 6 days before someone got around to opening it. So, right off the bat, I lost 6 of the 21 days they were giving me before revoking my license. Personally, knowing I had 21 days to take care of it, meant I had at LEAST another week to ignore it.
Randy was not happy. I’m pretty sure he thinks I live right on the edge of my own Orange Is The New Black.
I sent the proof of insurance in the same day. I didn’t want Randy to start researching criminal lawyers and how much we’d have to sell to hire one. We basically have two older televisions, old computers, and yard sale furniture. I don’t think Saul Goodman would be interested in the $250 we could raise.
This time, however, I put the brakes on. I wanted to google the dead body stinking question, but thought…what if the NSA breaks my door down and tears up my house? What if I become a suspect in a murder due to me wanting to win a dumb argument that hadn’t even started over a television show.
I’ve never explored the attic space in this house. I never saw the new owners even ONCE after we moved in. Maybe, they’ve been up there the whole time. I can’t risk the NSA finding them. I look terrible in orange. I don’t want to fight or have sex with women or clean the bathrooms that many women use.
So..instead of GOOGLING ‘how long does it take for a dead human body to stink’ I decided to just write a blog post about it instead.
When the NSA gets here, they are going to have a lot of questions.
Ma’am, we will get to why you need to know how a corpse smells in a few minutes. But first, we’d like to ask you about a few other things.
For instance, why are you interested in reading about spells that can cause your co-workers to catch on fire without burning down the building?
Why do you need to beat a lie detector test?
Who is Sister Christine and why do you want to build a time machine so you can go back to 1973 and put holy water in her coffee mug?
While having every Tiger Beat magazine published from 1970 through 1979 isn’t illegal, trying to trade them on Craigslist for ice cream sandwiches and lighter fluid does cause us to raise an eyebrow.
I’d also like to go ahead a clear a few things up for you.
There is no ‘number to Hollywood’ that you can call to set up a time to be in a movie with Robert Downey Jr. That isn’t how Hollywood works.
No one is going to hire you to provide sarcasm for their business.
I don’t think the internet is going to know WHY sometimes the bathroom at work smells like perm solution. It’s possible one of your coworkers just needs more fiber.
And my wife can give you quite a few easy yet tasty crock pot recipes. None of them are negative calorie, though. There’s no such thing as negative calorie crock pot dinners.
I haven’t always misused the internet. Sometimes I use it for valid searches.
For instance, once I used it to find out how to read an MRI after I injured myself. After carefully studying one site for at least 90 seconds, I was able to determine that I had a duck in my shoulder.
Also, since the internet, I don’t overdraw my checking account nearly as much as I used to. Real time banking information is like magic!
By the way, I ended up googling my question anyway. It takes a few days before a corpse starts to smell bad.
This had me in STITCHES!!!! Oh my god that is so funny. I was waiting for you big “I shouldn’t write blog posts after I take my
Ambien” and you sure delivered! hahaha
Hahha..that was started about 15 minutes after I took an ambien. I finished it clear headed, though.
And thank you.
Haha well that’s good. I am seriously still cracking up from it though! I’ve thought the same thing about NSA and Googling things haha
It is also very, very important to remember that when trying to buy running shoes on the Interwebz from Dick’s Sporting Goods while at work that their website is not dicks.com
The NSA is nothing compared to corporate security in our IT Department.
Where I used to work, our aftermarket product went by the brand name ‘rubber queen’. It got filtered out.
I had a CATscan once. I saw the pictures. I have Bozo the Clown in my brain, in case you know, you wanted to know what happened to him.
HAHAH..you should let him out to play with my duck.
You’re hilarious. That was hilarious. As for bodies smelling…what about the poop? When you die your bowels let go so that’s going to start smelling right away.
Well….maybe she just did a cleanse…
Maybe I watch too many crime dramas, but sometimes I wonder what conclusions would be made if the police went through my computer.
I’m sure they would just be confused and amused by mine.
This was hilarious! I thought about what my search history would look like a few days ago when I was looking up info for making a volcano. Took a look for myself and decided it did not look good. BTW, if you do happen to find a negative calorie crock pot dish please share it!!
I do have a good negative calorie crock pot recipe. Boil cabbage and then run while eating it….best I can do
I am sorry to hear there is no number for Hollywood. I’ve been working. On that one, as well. I am pretty sure, however, that there are firms in Canada hiring sarcasm specialists.
So there IS hope for a new careeer
Is there any morsel of knowledge the internet cannot provide?
Great post!
Thank you! And no…I think we’ve got it all
I was wondering the SAME THING after that episode!!!! I’m so glad you Googled it for me, and if the NSA does show up……………………………………………………………………….I WAS NEVER HERE!!!
**Vanishes like ninja.**
I got your back!
I used to be very paranoid about online searches, but lately I’ve figured that there are so many very very messed up people that they should have their hands full reading all of THEIR searches and never have time for mine. That’s the plan, at least.
That’s pretty much my plan as well…
I bet the number of sketchy internet searches skyrockets during shows like Sons of Anarchy and Breaking Bad. It makes me glad I don’t have real TV (only Netflix). I already Google/Wikipedia ANY show or movie I’m into so I know EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS EVAR IN TIME before the first 30 minutes are over…
I woulda bet the body needed a few days to start getting stinky, too. Glad I’m not the only one.
Hahahaha. I am the same way. I like to know what happens ahead of time as well
Maybe the preservatives in hamburger stop it stinking. I’m glad I’m not the only one who ignores snail mail. It’s soooo boring.
If anyone read what I googled they’d just assume I was an idiot but I understand your hesitation
hahah. Yeah, snail mail is largely ignored.
“I was able to determine that I had a duck in my shoulder.”
I am still giggling about this 10 minutes later.
Not to be creepy (but failing), I used to work in a pathology department and was often in the morgue. The scent they give off has a name – cadaverine. And it doesn’t take very long…..
Now…from Calvin Klein ….Cadaverine..
‘There is no ‘number to Hollywood’ that you can call to set up a time to be in a movie with Robert Downey Jr. That isn’t how Hollywood works. ‘ ….damn, that’s all my dreams shattered in an instant!
Thanks for the laugh, this one was a doozy.

Hahah…thank you, sister!
Good information to know. Thanks.