Summer Of 2014: Awkward Moment Highlights

I know Summer isn’t over, but Labor Day has passed.The pools are closed now and my week long vacation is over. It was cool out today, but not cold. For the first time, however, when the wind blew, I could feel the cold that Fall brings. Summer is kind of over now.

Excuse me, while I curl up in a fetal position and cry for a few days. 

It’s nearly midnight on a Sunday and I really should be in bed asleep so I can be rested for my first day back at work. However, being away for 9 days has ramped up my anxiety to spectacular levels and the scenarios that I’ve created have gone beyond quirky and into batshit crazy. For instance, I’m pretty sure that as soon as I walk in the door tomorrow, the boss and the entire department will be waiting for me to arrive so we can discuss my internet presence. After that uncomfortable meeting where I am somehow not fired, I will find out that all my projects had their due dates moved up and they were all due last week while I was off.

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