Randy and I visited friends last month and painted the old appliances that someone dumped on their mountain years ago. It was fun. I can’t wait to go back next month to continue the project. Ever since then, I’ve been wanting to paint something. I don’t identify myself as an artist in any way. I have no patience. I don’t like long projects and I have the fine motor skills of a toddler whose hands are covered in peanut butter and ice cream. But I can spray paint the shit out of something.
Tag Archives: PQOTC
Chicken Porn With Priscilla, Queen Of The Cubicle
I can’t even imagine what types of searches I’ll get from this blog post title.
We are having a ‘surprise’ tornado drill at work this morning. Because it’s only a surprise if everyone in the building knows about it.
Priscilla, Queen Of The Cubicle and I waited for the alarm and passed the time by talking about deep and meaningful subjects…you know, the important issues.
I’m A Six Goat Girl
Get your mind out of the gutter. I didn’t mean it that way. Perv.
Priscilla, Queen of the Cubicle and I are talking about the approaching storm and wondering if it will mean we’ll get some excitement at work this afternoon. In the meantime, we’re doing what we do best. Talking about nothing.