I was sure that having a yard sale would produce funny material for a blog post. People rummaging through my things would have to result in at least one moment of absurdity. It only takes a moment.
There were no funny moments.
Also, is it just me? Or does everyone who has a yard sale see there possessions in the harsh light of day and decide that everything they own must look slightly shabby and mostly seedy?
I would love to say that the yard sale was a great success. I wish I could say I felt our load had been lifted and that we are barreling into the next phase of life, but I can’t. If I took a “before” and “after” picture of our yard sale, it would look like one of those “spot the differences” puzzles.
Speaking of those puzzles. I hate them. H A T E them. I am not capable of passing up a “spot the differences” puzzle. I have to spot the differences. I don’t want to spot differences. I have to spot them. I’ll leaf through a magazine, unaware of the danger lurking just pages away and then BLAM, there’s a “spot the differences” puzzle. I would love to say that I take one glance and like a puzzle solving ninja, I identify all seven differences. But no. I am incapable of passing the puzzles up, but I am not all that good at solving them. I have goddamn flashbacks to the time it took over 30 minutes to see the difference between a tied and an untied shoelace.
We didn’t sell much. The first people who came were an elderly couple. They appeared to be pushing 90. The old man haggled with Randy over two broke ass lawnmowers and a weed whacker, while his wife, Roxanne, told me about every illness she has ever had. Roxanne looked at the rows of shoes I had lining my driveway and said “My feet are crooked now and I have to wear these clunky, ugly shoes. It makes me sad.” She also just got out of the hospital for asthma. Roxanne’s youngest grandchild just graduated from college. She told me that it was good to get rid of things we don’t need. She said that when her children ask her what gifts she wants, she tells them to just not forget about her. She also gave me a Watchtower and bought a Scrabble game.
So, that was cheery.
I slipped into a funk thinking about Roxanne. I felt compassion and melancholy. Roxanne looked bewildered, sad, and in pain. I wanted to ease her mind and make her smile. Another part of me was resentful for having this possible future paraded in front of me. I don’t want to be hobbled, scared, and insecure when I’m elderly.
The melancholy mixed with anxiety. It was a rough week, you guys.
Joey is out of town, camping at a three day music festival. I am not worried at all. If we can all agree that “not worried at all” means “freaking the fuck out”.
A work issue happened and I got called a couple hours into the yard sale. It ended up not being something I could have fixed, but still made me want to curl up in a fetal position and cry.
Randy and I were exhausted from hauling all our shit outside and then hauling most of it back inside.
Add these things together, and throw in new medicine that seems to be working opposite of how it is supposed to, and we have all the makings of a anxiety tsunami. A while back, I was naming my anxiety storms. I can’t even name this one because it shook me up and I’m still feeling a little raw over it. This anxiety storm was the man with no eyes in Cool Hand Luke. I had to flag Randy on this one and tell him it was getting away from me. He talked me down as best he could and we agreed the best thing would be to call the doctor on Monday.
We zoned out re-watching the last season of Game Of Thrones and I felt the anxiety loosening it’s grip a bit. We both tried to shake off the abysmal failure of our yard sale. Although, we did get rid of those two broke ass lawnmowers.
On Friday, we decided that after the yard sale, we’d go to a bar, have a few drinks, and then get dinner out.
We bought a frozen pizza and tater tots.
Oh, it’s not as bad as it sounds. It was organic frozen pizza. Of course.
We had 20 minutes to kill while our food heated in the oven. We discussed which parts of us hurt the most. His left foot hurts most and and mine is my lower back. I also think I heard Roxanne whispering in my ear.
I got our dinner out of the oven and made us both plates.
Me: This looks like a school lunch from 1978.
Randy: I’m making cheese and tater tot pizza.
Me: We are goddamn fancy.
We finished dinner and Randy went to his office. I sat on the deck and tried to pretend that it was cooler outside than it really was.
I listened to a mockingbird run through it’s playlist and watched the neighbors in their backyard. The family next door are Indian and I can’t understand them when they speak. I still eavesdrop, though, because I love the way the old grandma sounds when she speaks.
Two little girls live next door. One around 8 years old and one who looks to be 3 or 4. The older of the two girls stood in the backyard opposite her grandmother. They held a large piece of gold fabric at the ends and were making it float up and down. I watched this cloth billowing about and for a few minutes, I felt fine. I wanted to be exactly where I was. Sitting on my deck as the world gave me a tiny, private show.
The younger girl came out and made a grab for the cloth. Grandma was having none of that. The little one was too young to make it flutter, so grandma took the cloth by her self and began to twirl it about. She swirled and swirled and laughed along with her granddaughters. At one point, as she turned, she saw me on my deck and caught my eye. She faltered for the briefest of moments and then continued swirling her golden cloth.
When I went back inside, I felt a little better. I mean, watching the twirling cloth didn’t fix anything, but I did feel relief for a few minutes. I needed to see something pretty.
Oh, I was kidding about the pizza. It wasn’t organic.
I almost had an anxiety storm myself. Nice term for it. I hope to remember to tell my shrink. It was close.I almost lost control but a friend talked me down. I find that people that have some kind of disorder are able to understand vs. my lovely wife who has no disorder or so we’ll say.
We had a yard sale”We” in general, not me. I was like, “get that shit into some bags and take it to Associated Charities,” though I didn’t say it. I just watched it slowly dwindle away. We did end up taking the rest, when it was over, to AC. I wanted to get out of there before they kicked my ass. I’m only half-kidding.
May get a different car this week. Maybe not. The source of my anxiety storm. It all depends on people out of my control and I hate that. Here it comes, now settle down now my boy settle down. There it goes.
It’s just a constant thing, isn’t it? Here’s to a good week for both of us!
We ferdamnsure deserve one.
Yes. Yes we do.
OMG. Me too on those spot the differences abominations. I have gotten to the point where I only make myself find ONE and then I turn the page as fast as I can.
The last yard sale I had, a woman bought some stuff and put it in a pile. Then she asked if I had anything inside. We were about to move, so I took her in. She proceeded to ask about my potted plants and she bought a pile of nasty, stinky ass towels we used to wash the dogs with. She wanted them bad.
When my husband went to help her load her van, it was FULL of junk. She had to be a hoarder and we didn’t know whether to feel bad or not. Are yard sales a lesson to make us feel bad for other people??
I am glad I’m not alone in the “spot the difference” hell. Hahhaha
Oh my god, I hate those stupid yard sales. I always have all this optimism about clearing out the house and making money at the same time, but like you, I always seem to haul all that crap right back inside after selling 1 or 2 $1.00 items. PS, love your writing style, you made me smile this early Monday morning.
Anxiety is sure a nightmare only understood by fellow sufferers.
Hakuna Matata has no effect on me.
I personally am so immersed in it I can’t understand why everyone else isn’t!! So much to be anxious about everywhere, if you only look, and I guess that’s where I go wrong!?!
Am thinking maybe you (and I too) could combine clutter – anxiety thing and put all your anxiety and worry into the clutter then take it to a refuse dump. A bit like one of those worry dolls you blogged about. Dump all problems into the rubbish, and dump it off.
Two problems solved in one fell swoop.
Husband was once on a business trip and came back with a story that I no longer remember, which ended with one garbage man yelling at another garbage man,
“Hakuna Matata, mother fucker, Hakuna fucking Matata!”
that is the only way I ever hear that phrase.
Hahaha !!! Love it!! That will stick in my mind too!!!!!!!!!
Yard sales are not my thing either. They always make me feel sad too. Hang in there!
Apparently, they are not mine, either. haha.
Haul that shit to goodwill or wherever and never look back. I hate yard sales. I won’t have them, and I hardly go to them. I’ll sell a few big ticket items, and used books to the book store, things like that, but the rest of it? Fuck it. Dump it and walk away. Sorry I got no funny. I’m just mad at the world for being mean to you.
I’m a little mad too. hahaha. It’s not getting better (work issues) and I just want to curl up and cry. I hate adulting.
I miss pizza a lot. I am required by law to tell everyone that I am a vegan, and vegan pizza is… no. Not good. No cheese, no meat and it just doesn’t work, really.
Eating real pizza once wouldn’t kill me…
I like listening to people speaking a language I don’t understand and try to figure out what they’re saying. Sometimes I can.
I can never figure it out. Maybe a TINY bit of Spanish..but really, unless they are counting something, probably not.
May I please never, ever turn into THAT Roxanne, telling strangers at yard sales about my health issues. No wonder you felt anxious.
Well…so far, you’re good. So it much not be the name. hahaha
we call them ‘garage sales’ in Australia. Never had one and never will. The thought of people rifling through my stuff just weirds me out. I donate anything worthwhile to the Goodwill store and the rest hits the bin. I don’t keep stuff – clutter stresses me (my poor children will have nothing to inherit – but I’ll be dead by then so I don’t care!) Really glad the cloth twirling helped filter out Roxanne (and I’m glad the pizza wasn’t organic!)
We call them garage sales as well..I’ve heard it both ways. I love your attitude. My kids won’t have much either..but they’re smart, they’ll be fine.
Yard sales are a lot of work. Really a lot. Strangers like you had in your driveway just make it even more work! Good try!
it was sucky…but like I said..at least we unloaded the broken mowers.
My wife and I have quit doing yard sales. We just give that crap to charity now. It would be nice to get some money but it’s just too much of a pain to deal with the lurkers, hagglers, and outright shoplifters.
Referring back to one of your memes–which are always hilarious and uplifting, by the way–can we make September National Sarcasm Month? This year especially September has been the asshole of months.
I’m not a violent person but I want to take September behind a dumpster and beat it with a snow globe.
OMG I DO TOO! Let’s do it..let’s hunt down September and kick it’s ass..it is such a DICK. I fucking HATE September.
(okay, I feel a little better)
So my job is one big ‘Spot the not’ and when I sing, “One of these things is not like the other…” it brings a smile to my face.
Then! When I find the ‘not there, doesn’t match’ I let out a ‘Whoo-hoo’ (or ‘Fuck Yeah!’ depending on whether I notice if there are patrons in the library 🙂 )
It’s gotten to the point that when I ‘Whoo-hoo’ my regulars know we got a new book on the shelf! (Or a triplicate record has been reduced by two. Win-win either way 🙂 )
I get a smirky ‘shh-shh’ grin out of them when I slip with the ‘Fuck Yeah!’
(*wiggly ‘maybe I did maybe I didn’t’ eyebrows*)
I grew up in yard sale and home made clothes, so used items carry alot of anxiety for me. ‘Specially ’round Christmas when G’ma was alive.
Another one of the father figure’s ‘special’ pet peeves was his wife’s yard sale-ing mother. So. We NEVER had yard sales, nor went to them 🙁
(Turns out, found out years later, ‘Daddy’s’ Dad was a garage sale goer. Apparently his deep seated shame started early for him and never left.)
I have to agree with Laura. Haul that shit in lumpy boxes and stretched out garbage bags to Goodwill and say ‘Good Riddance.’
Fire is good, too, but you have to have nerves of steel and Rum.
Or, do like me and buy a shipping container and just start piling in the back and work forward .
I have attachment issues coupled with emotional clingings that make me cry and freeze the choice making centers in my brain when I try to sort through my ‘good shit.’
‘Hoarders’ has nuttin’ on me! But, sure makes me feel good that all my kids will have to do is start a fire on the inside and lock ‘er back up 🙂
Hope they can get your chemical levels evened out. Shit you’re going through right now would make Mother Theresa a little edgy, too.
Yeah…it’s got to go..I just want it gone so we can move on. I just want this particular bout of anxiety to leave me alone. It’s been sucky. Watching you and Terri Lee has been the high light of my day! xoxoxo
*makes hashmark on wall*
AND!! I’m looking for some gold fabric and/or some filmy organza taffeta stuff to swirl in the breeze with my grandkids.
LOVED that! Watched it through your eyes and felt awesome!
Hey, hey, Lisa K.!!!
*twirling around in my green tutu, pixie dust making me sneeze*
I also loved that image of the grandma twirling with her gold fabric! It’s the small slices of life that can sometimes save us. The things that just happen and aren’t planned or concocted. All we need to do is notice them and savor the moment. XO
*fluffs Tink’s tutu for more pixie dust*
SOOO pretty!
Do it again! At least when we’re sneezing people don’t notice the tears 🙂
*plops down by Terri Lee*
We made ‘Calm Down’ jars in Summer Reading this year and I LOVE them! They are water, clear glue, food color, glitter and beads. Some child psychiatrist came up with them for her little guys with anxiety and depression and anger issues. When you shake the jar and turn it over the glitter and beads are your thoughts and feelings and as the glitter and beads swirl slowly and settle on the bottom, your feelings and anger swirl and settle as well.
I made several. Blue one, purple one, clear one with black beads and opalescence glitter (for those blank stare moments 😉 ) and almost ALL of my patrons, kids and adults, make a beeline for the jars and shake them first thing before looking for books or hitting the computers.
My number one recommendation these days.
Til I saw the Gramma fabric swirling idea…
Anyway, portable, pretty, good for gazing/daydreaming material. (Argo Ice Tea jars work best… good grip size, solid thick glass and glueable lid.)
If you use glow in the dark beads it can be a ‘Dream Jar.’ 🙂
Mwah! SOOOO Happy to see you!!!!!
Lisa, you are a fucking GENIUS!!! I have no doubt that you and Rage M were placed into my life for a reason! I book marked that site and I am definitely going to make myself a few Calm Dawn jars. Not only will making them be relaxing and give me something FUN to do, (a word that hasn’t been in my life for almost a year now), but I can actually see how they would work to help soothe a frazzled, anxious brain. Here’s an idea: we can make some Calm Down jars and shake them while we are twirling with our shimmering fabric! Extra points if you’re wearing a long, full twirl-y skirt at the same time! I’ll provide the Pixie Dust at no extra cost!
Tink XO
Genius? Me?
*glows from heart center*
Wanna laugh your ass off? My Funeral Dress is the long full twirly skirt made out of shimmering fabric. I call it Unicorn blue/Fairy purple and I think YOU’RE the genius!!!
*twirls out door wearing Funeral Dress and shaking Calm Down jar*
Oh Yeah.
*beckons with index finger*
C’mon, Tink! We’re fluttering glitter and pixie dust EVERYWHERE today!!
Michelle will feel better just watching us and then she’s gonna join in!
Because 🙂
*smiling, knowing nod*
The instructions on the Glitter Jars make it look pretty hard. We didn’t premix anything in bowls, we just dumped the glue in the jar, added the hot water and shook the shit out of it. Then added the glitter and beads and shook it again.
2/3 water and 1/3 glue is a pretty even keel float. More glue=slower float.
The more you make, the more ideas you come up with.
We got some animal beads: giraffes, zebras and dolphins, and some skull beads for the boys… hard to find boy beads 🙂 along with the colored pony beads, but I thought crystals and gem cut stones would be way cool too!
Get ready to ooh and aah… not one jar was ugly or failed to sparkle and swirl 🙂
Oh, yeah, and ‘message in a bottle’ bottles work awesome, too, just glue the corks 🙂
I’m sooo excited for you!!
Thank you. 🙂
Holy crap, I think I’d be frightened to hold a yard sale these days! My neighborhood is not what it once was, when our former good neighbors who moved away would hold yard sales twice a year. Paul and I would bring stuff over to put in it and we’d party for the whole weekend in their front yard. Haha! Those were such fun times. The last time Paul and I tried to hold a yard sale (our neighbors had wisely moved by that time), it was such a disaster. I put out lots of clothes and boxes of shoes, some pairs worn only once and everything was carefully marked with the sizes. My shoes are 7 Narrow. All these huge women, wth feet that looked like wooden planks, were trying on my shoes and they were flattening them OUT! Shit, I was getting so pissed off because they were ruining them! The biggest sales were my used bras and underwear! HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh yeah! It’s all true! You can’t make this shit up! The worst part though was the people who came and tore off all the price tags I had marked and stuck on everything, Then, they told me there was no price on the items they had clutched in their arms and offered some ridiculously low price. I told them the reason there were no prices was because I saw them tearing the tags off and I threatened to call the police on them. I grabbed all my items back from their arms and ordered them off our property. Plus, we had a portable CD player stolen when this large group of people with three little kids showed up. The adults were the distraction while the kids were apparently the merchandise grabbers. Needless to say, that was the LAST yard sale we ever had. Since Paul’s death, “well meaning” people have suggested I have a yard sale to get rid of any things I no longer want and to make a little extra money. I will quote YOU on my answer: “HAHAHAHAHAFUCKINGHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” 😀
I know what you mean about the “Roxannes” of the world. I had been posting on a grief support forum for the last 8 months and it helped for a while. However, you don’t realize the huge number of grieving people who are out there in this world, many of them much older than us and it breaks my heart to read some of their ongoing stories. Where it first helped me, I realized it was now weighing on me and actually ADDING to my grief. I know I’m an empathetic person and need to rein myself in accordingly, so I have not been posting there lately. Instead, this past weekend, I binge-watched Longmire on Netflix. It was brilliant! That show can get me out of my own head more effectively than anything else. Try it! There are NO side effects, I promise (other than being hooked on the show)! Now, move over—I am going to help you ACE those fucking Spot The Differences sizzles! 🙂
I had to quit AA because all those ‘wanna drink but didn’t’ stories made me wanna drink.
I need to check out Longmire.
Apparently I have been depriving myself.
Yet. again…
I’m better at seeing the non-matches than the matches so I never did very well at Concentration, but I’m a whiz at boxes with numbers and dots 😉
Especially if the dots are supposed to line up down the page!
My mistake was reading the Longmire books before watching the show – as usual, they “dumb it down & sex it up” for TV…
But the first few episodes were pretty darn good, nonetheless, & I have a big soft spot for Robert Taylor, so maybe I’ll give it another go.
I have not read the books, Val, but I think I’m going to! 🙂
Okay…I am going to have to check out Longmire. And the big sellers being your underwear? AHAHAHAHAHA..that is so disturbing and awesome.
YES!!! Everybody CHECK OUT LONGMIRE!!! 😀
Michelle, my former neighbor is the one who taught me about the bras and underwear. I was shocked when she put out some of her bras and underwear at her yard sales. I said, “There is no WAY someone will buy those!” She told me to watch and learn. Sure enough, they were some of the first things sold! I was like, “OMG! Are you fucking kidding me?” It became our tradition and every yard sale, we’d gather our old bras and underwear together and hang them in the trees and place them on the hedges to “lure” prospective customers! Works like a charm! Well……in MY neighborhood anyway. When you and Lisa come visit, bring some old underwear along and you can make some extra money while you’re here! HAHAHA!!!!
While I find the thought of buying used underwear at a yard sale or Goodwill slightly disturbing… as long as I don’t have to wear them to sell them… I can always use extra money for old panties…
I fucking hate puzzles, and riddles, and the likes. It never teaches you anything, except for the fact that person giving you the riddle will win because they already know the answer.
Yard sales are creepy.
I’m with you. I am not fond of riddles or puzzles, yet I feel compelled to answer/finish them. It’s exhausting being me. My yard sale was not creepy. It was sad. hahaah
I love you so much, Michelle, and I can’t for the life of me think of why my dear Michelle, who suffers from anxiety, would put herself through the hell of a yard sale?!?! If this was your first one…make it your last. They’re almost as stupid as those puzzles, which I too, can never, ever, ever pass up and then end up with a migraine because I could only find 9 of the 10 things. Loved that you ended up ‘being where your feet are” which is my new mantra!
Sadly, it was far from my first yard sale and I DID IT ANYWAY. For all that is holy. And I love you, too sister. You make me smile and they are slow in coming these days.
One thing – organic and pizza do not work together in the same sentence. Remember that. I can’t promise that it will make your life any better, or that Roxanne won’t be a terminal ear worm, but I can guarantee that your pizzas will (almost always) be good. Even the frozen ones.
Oh and one more thing – having yard (garage/tag) sales causes anxiety. It’s been proven.
Hahahaha…yeah, it was just DiGornio or however you spell it.
There must be something in the air – my anxiety was also bad bad bad this past weekend, when I was SUPPOSED to be enjoying myself on a brief Solitude Weekend…
(Yep, the weather was still too fucking hot for camping so I didn’t sleep well, finally got up Sat night & took my last precious hoarded Ambien which was probably 12+ yrs old… Didn’t do much for me, but finally drifted off to get a few short naps)
THAT sucks, sister. Here’s to next weekend being better for both of us.
You are such a great writer Michelle, that scene with the golden fabric is lovely. I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time these days. Yard sales can be melancholy for sure… we have one coming up. I have learned to not price anything and just let people pay what they want… my goal is for all of it to go AWAY. I used to over-price things, because I knew what I had paid for it and what it should be worth.
This means a lot to me. Thank you so much! And yeah, I under-priced everything. I just didn’t advertise well. That was my problem. And we aren’t on a main road or anything.
Let’s just name it
And watching the last season of GoT whilst is the midst of an anxiety shitstorm?? ….hmmm…not sure about that….maybe Gilmore Girls would have been a better choice.
Ha , just kidding about Gilmore Girls…
Hope the doc visit today helps. I am in your corner. I have the water, and the ice, and the bucket you can spit into.
Really, I have this covered.
🙂 Thank you! We’re done with GoT again. I’m going to watch the Winchester brothers. I need some eye candy
So which festival is Joey attending? Is it his first? He’ll be fine. My first big concert was Led Zeppelin in 1977 when I was 16. We flew to San Francisco from Arcata airport early on Sunday morning, and needed to get to the Oakland Coliseum on the other side of the bay. My father had planned it all out for us, but it turned out that BART, which has a stop at the Coliseum, was on strike. So my friend Mark and I had to make our way across the bay riding buses instead, which we did, but were a little late getting there. We were worried that we’d miss our plane home, so we left in the middle of Jimmy Page’s violin bow solo, and the two of us sixteen year old white boys from the sticks went and sat on a bench at a bus stop on East 14th Street. We made it just fine, but knowing about where we were then still gives me a giggle.
Around here, folks mostly sell their stuff at the “flea market” of which there are several to choose from. Some folks do really well there, but I sort of hate doing it, and the few times I’ve helped someone sell there we barely made our entry fee back.
Briana has been collecting brightly colored fabric for a while now, and she has a piece of blue paisley silk that would work well as a substitute for the shimmery gold stuff. Perhaps I’ll read this to her when she returns and see what happens…
Randy’s tater-tot pizza reminds me of another Michelle, who we lived with in our warehouse space down in Dogtown. She is from Minnesota, and she made us something she called “tater-tot hot dish” one time, which is apparently common fare back in Minnesota. I liked it quite a bit.
He is home now, thank the stars. He went to the Resonance festival. He had a GREAT time…I am so glad he did.
Maybe the grandma next door is more like what your future looks like? Parading around like a child with pretty cloths in the backyard with grandchildren and not caring in the least if a neighbor watches you……I don’t think you’re headed toward Roxanne-dom.
Oh, thank you! I want to be the Indian grandma from next door!
Your story about the neighbors sounds like a poem in the making.
I love that you found the “gold lining” in your dismal day. That is always your saving grace, Michelle. That, and that your generous and humorous take on life.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you..this made me tear up a little because today was just horrible. HORRIBLE. I am so stressed out that I’m shaking. This made me smile.
We call them garage sales over here in the UK but they aren’t as popular a thing, as yard sales are over there. People here tend to take everything to car boot sales or sell everything on Ebay. I wouldn’t be that brave as I’d hate strangers going through my stuff. My entire studio apartment looks like a boot sale most of the time anyway. ( I so need to move and soon!)
So sorry anxiety is biting your butt. Hope it and work settle down soon.
I’ve just started a part time job as well as year two of college, so anxiety is snapping at my heels but I think I have a handle on it.
So glad the Indian family brought a little joy.
Tell Randy that Dude needs a gold sari to swirl for you.
I am so glad you have a handle on it. It gives me hope. I know I will..I will..I just don’t have a handle on it right now. And Dude does need a sari, doesn’t he? hahahahah
Love the way you write! I always wondered about those yard sales. Our house is for sale and we are downsizing. Just the house…. my boomer body is upsizing! Anyway, you have totally talked me out of the yard sale idea. Not gonna do it! Thank you! I get the “not worried at all” lie. A zillion years, ago when our son was attending New York University, after the school year he insisted on driving cross country back to Tucson for the summer – by himself. Every day I kept looking at my watch to see if it was cocktail hour yet. I was a total wreck until he got home. Tater tots….omg…my kids used to love those. You brought me back 34 years! Loved the ending of your blog as it made me smile, too! Nothing like observing the delightfully imaginative life of children to brighten up EVERYONE’S day!
Thank you so much! And I feel like I did a public service….YES! Skip the fucking yard sale. For all that is holy…don’t do it.
Garage sale people here are gangsta. I had people showing up at 6 am, even though my ad stated that it started at 8 am and NO EARLY BIRDS, PLEASE.
Organic pizza is just stupid. It’s like vegan cigarettes. Let’s just leave it unhealthy, the way it’s supposed to be. xoxoxo
Yeah, the super old people showed up early. But Roxanne had to get there early because of her asthma and had to be back indoors before it got too hot.
I had one yard sale after I left my ex. Last one I’ll ever do. Now I just box stuff off and leave it at the charity shop OR they’ve got my number on a phone list now and will actually come and pick it up off my porch. Although sometimes I worry they’ll take something they’re not supposed to…
Yeah, I am burned out on yard sales. shudder