Hubs named my boobs years ago. Thelma and Louise.
Sure, it took a while for me to get used to it. The way I was raised, you didn’t refer to body parts with anything other than..well..nothing. We just didn’t speak of places that were kept under wraps. When I was a kid, even someone using the word ‘privates’ sounded dirty to me.
I wonder why I question my mental health on a daily basis.
Anyway, let’s talk about boobies. I have some general questions for which I need answers.
When I get home from work, the very very VERY first thing I do is set my sister’s free. I can remove a bra without removing my shirt in under 8 seconds. Maybe only 6 if my bra is one of the uncomfortable ones.
Question number one: Why do we keep the uncomfortable bras? WHY?
Here’s an idea..let’s all go RIGHT THIS MINUTE and gather up the uncomfortable bras and throw them in my neighbor’s yard. I chose my neighbor because he’s parked his big stupid truck right in front of my house and it’s been there for 2 weeks now. Sure, it’s not MY street, but it’s still rude. We all have the understanding that the spot in front of your house kind of belongs to you.
Did you do it? either.
Question number two: Why is it, when you get older, that your nipples continuously think it’s cold out. It’s not ALWAYS cold. In fact, I usually feel like I’m ready to spontaneously combust, but not my nipples. No…to them it’s just below freezing all the time. That might have come in handy during my club days when I was young and lithe and dancing and sweaty. Now? Well, if I wear a thin bra and a thin shirt, I basically keep my arms crossed over my chest if I’m up walking around at work.
Question number three: Am I the only one who frequently has only ONE nipple that thinks it’s cold out? Because that shit is weird.
Also, why is it so hard to find a decent bra without an under wire? Are under wires really all that important? Because frankly, I’ve been skewered with the under wire before and that fucking hurts like a bitch. I had that happen at work. One minute, I was fine..the next I was being murdered by my own underwear.
I went to the bathroom and pulled the under wire out, readjusted and stepped in front of the mirror.
HAHAHAHA…THAT is a good look. lopsided 50 year old boobies. I had half a cleavage. If it weren’t for the little shred of dignity I still have then I would have left it that way because it was pretty funny.
Not funny enough to leave it that way. I went back in the stall and gnawed at the other side like a gerbil on a piece of newspaper until I could get the other wire out.
All in all, I don’t think I’ve ever had a bra that was comfortable, sports bras being the exception. I’m just not ready to go for the uni-boob look every day.
Question number four: Any suggestions on a good comfortable bra that doesn’t come with a price tag over $100?
I’ll leave you with this thought: No cleavage is always better than half a cleavage.
And I ordered bras from in my new size and I LOVE them.
A W E S O M E ….going there right now..
Ha, I thought it was me. My nipples always think it’s cold out and it’s quite embarrassing at work. The hubby likes it, but I don’t think the workmates appreciate it 😉
I just usually wear heavily padded and that fixes the problem..
I knew there were others! I wonder what women wore before boobie traps were imposed upon us. Sometimes I have fibro flare ups and it’s painful to wear bras. I tried the Genie Bra (as seen on TV). They’re okay but a bit smooshie. Was going to check out Jockey custom made but they are expensive so I’m waiting for a sale. Now I’m going to check out
Thelma and Louise would probably say don’t worry about the headlights. It’s all about being comfortable, nipples be damned.
That is exactly what Thelma and Louise would say…but you really can’t listen to them..they’re not reliable.
Unfortunately, you’re not the only one with the problem of only one nipple thinking it’s cold. Happens to me all the time!
At least I am not alone.
HAHAHAHA!! Christ almighty gf… I thought I was gonna land on the floor, I was laughing so hard (the underwire story).
And btw, what’s wrong with you? Are you handicapped? It takes me no less that 2 seconds MAX to get the fuck out of my bra after work (leaving the shirt intact). 6 seconds? You need more practice!
LOLLLL!! love youuuuu…
Not one of my better moments..but a step toward acceptance…this is the way the boobs are now….
Well, it was the mental visual of the uneven boobs followed by the gnawing in the stall to get the other wire out. I seriously laughed til I was in tears. LOL
You write good!! 🙂
Thanks! And all I have to do is take notes as that actually happened. 🙂
also, you have to give me those extra 4 to 6 seconds because I have short little arms…
The quest for the even cleavage, arguing nipples, a punctured lung – this post has it all! I am a little confused though . . . you introduced Thelma and Louise, but who is Ruth? 🙂
my old posts..when Randy set my blog up, he made my user name RageRuth…my middle name is Ruth. Then I decided that was dumb and we made it my normal name.
AHA!! I didn’t even notice the date!